After Rave - Cyd & Olin

“You were incredible,” Cyd complimented Olin, her voice raspy from a night of playing the part of hype man. The last of the ravers were either passed out or had gone home, and she was helping him break down his equipment to take home. “You held that crowd in the palm of your hand all night - they were up, they were down - you have a gift. Raw talent.”

Olin unhooked the wires from his set sliding each piece into a padded slot in his backpack. “That is high praise coming from you. I wouldn’t have gotten a chance or encouragement if it wasn’t for you.”

“The beats were all you,” she reminded her. “The sixteen-six? I don’t know where you pulled that out of, But I swear, everyone collectively orgasmed when it hit.”

“I was very inspired. I know this girl, she is a killer DJ, she's got an ear for talent and frankly pretty damn hot too.” Olin said, sliding an arm around Cyd’s waist. “I was thinking about celebrating, but it seemed counterproductive to do so alone.”

Cyd’s heart thumped in her chest and drummed in her still ringing ears, her breath catching in her throat as Olin came closer. “I can think of a few ways to celebrate,” she practically purred.

“Oh? I would love some suggestions. I have a few more tracks with a beat switch to a sixteen-six I would like your opinion on.” Olin said with a devilish smile.

“Extended play version?” Cyd asked, softly grinding her hips to his, matching Olin’s grin. “You know I get turned on when you talk track.”

“It's going to take a bit of work to get it just right, but I would love a professional opinion.” OIin said, his lips close to hers.

Cyd felt dizzy, her breath becoming more shallow with the close proximity. “I’ll make some notes,” she whispered, stepping up on her tiptoes, unable to wait another minute.

Olin gave a heated kiss holding Cyd close, even after all the high energy the undertone of vanilla and cinnamon mixed with sweat from his high-energy performance was still there. “My place? We can order in.” He suggested a little breathless.

Cyd stole another kiss, lightly tugging on his lower lip. “I’ll try and wait that long,” she said, little beads of sweat already forming on the small of her back. “No promises.”

Olin chuckled, his hands tightening around her waist. "It’ll be a personal challenge, the same you do learn from failure just means you have to try again and again …"

Cyd softly groaned, lightly raking her fingertips over his back. “Let’s go check out that sixteen-six,” she suggested, fully intoxicated from him being so close. “Then I can get to the try again and again part. You’re worth the wait.”

“You all set? Can’t keep a lady like you waiting too long!” He smirked brushing an aqua strand a hair from her face, finger brushing her cheek.

His touch made her shiver and she nodded, counting the minutes until they made it back to his penthouse.

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