Mathias Gets Mugged - Part 2 - Aftermath(ias)

Mathias struggled seeing a dull knife before the bag was shoved over his head. It was always when you didn’t think or worse got desperate you tended to do the stupidest shit. Mathias's hands moved to collect the kinetic energy from movement and set off a chain reaction from his own body heat, splitting molecules to create a thick trail of hydrogen.

It trailed out the molecules splitting in a burst of energy around him and his assailants all in a blink of an eye. The men assaulting the struggling Mathias remained unaware of the sudden danger they were in. The only warning was when one took a breath he coughed in the suddenly low oxygen cloud. Mathias held his breath and snapped his fingers, using the burst of heat from the friction and multiplying it, igniting the hydrogen.

In retrospect, he may have overdone it in his panic.

Mathias was bruised, battered, singed but he had kept his inventory and cash. Goddamn did he pay for it in other ways. He took a long drag from a fresh Jay as he limped home. He let out a painful cough having to wait and lean against a wall for a moment. He took a deep pained breath before pushing one.

He tossed the roach when he was done, stopping at a bodega to get some ice and first aid supplies. Mathias kept hyping himself, almost there, a few more steps. Few. More. Steps. It seemed a weight off his shoulders when he finally fumbled for the key the front door. Clumsily trying to unlock the door. He genuinely expected no one to home which would be fine by him. Less explaining to do.

The door creaked open. “Home.” He said automatically closing the door behind him.

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