Rave on - Enter the Cali Crew

“I’m guessing this is the place,” Nikita said, after blowing a giant pink bubble which gave a satisfying popping sound. She looped elbows with Nikka and Bishop as they walked, the music getting louder with each step. “My ears are going to be ringing for days!” They’d taken the metro and gotten lost on a transfer, but with a little text help from Mathias, they were able to find the venue.

Nikka was bouncing on her toes. “I mean … not to say they Cali didn’t know how to party but this is a whole new level.”

“This was such a bad idea,” Nike said, pushing her hair behind an ear.

“Yeah but aren't those the most fun idea?” Bishop chuckled with a smile, arm draped around Nike’s shoulders.

“Look at everyone they're so colorful!” Nikka beamed. “Like tropical birds!”

“And, she’s stone-cold sober,” Nike chuckled. “Speaking of - take nothing from no one except Mathias.” Nike reminded them. “No leaving with anyone but me and Bishop.”

“Or we will find you.” Bishop said in a humorous horror movie voice. “No, seriously we will find you and it won’t be pleasant for anyone involved.”

“Right, so any hot sex has to say here.” Nikka nodded.

“That is nothing close to what I said.” Bishop said flatly.

“But that’s what I heard, did you hear that too Nikita?” Nikka asked innocently.

Nikita unlooped her arm to make an iffy gesture and laughed.

“Thats a yes. Like ninety percent positive she agrees with me. Minimum.” Nikka giggled tugging Nikita along. “Dance and then hit up Nike’s Ex or hit up Nike’s Ex and then dance?”

“Hit up Mathias and then dance,” Nike advised. “You’ll thank me later. You’ll swear you can see the music.”

Nikka squeaked and tugged on Nikita to hurry up.

“He’s the other less attra - and they’re gone, joke wasted.” Bishop chuckled.

“I think you’re the more attractive red head,” Nike said, brushing her hand through his hair. “In fact? I know you are.”

“See, I knew I could count on you.” Bishop laughed.

“Always,” she said, lacing her fingers in his. “Man of my dreams. Literally.”

“Let go see the music, have some fun.” Bishop spun Nike around before leading the way into the throng of ravers.

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