Image of Snow Fall

Summary: The Queen

Snow Fall

Owned by:

Gender: Female

Age: Looks 20

Group: They (Game Owner Only)

Origin Planet


Physical Appearance

Crimson Eyes
Snow white hair
Alabaster skin
Black horns sprouting from her head
Pointed ears
Sharp teeth
Black claws
Short and petite
Always in tattered clothing


The Queen of They


-Convergence Connection - create, control, use and bend the world, weather, nature and elements of Converge.
-Shadow Will - create, control, use and bend both darkness and shadows to her will.
-Shadow Walk - Step through shadows like they are doorways.
-Shadow Vision - See through both shadows and creatures known as They.

-Heightened senses, speed, agility and flexibility.
-Deep mental connection to most "They".

-Collecting and absorbing energy, memories and souls.
-Puzzle solving
-Reading people


Personality: Quiet, elusive, calm, collected, protective and motherly.

-Observing and watching people
-Keeping They safe


As she grew up, Snow was hated for being the only "human" with horns in her village. Her father, a good and loving man, tried to protect her. People kept showing up as dead bodies and everyone blamed Snow for it, so they all came to get rid of her. Her father, Jedidiah Fall, tried to stop them, only to be murdered by the leader. This triggered Snow's power to truly manifest and she killed them all, ripping a chunk of the planet from its original core.

Thus, she created the floating island with its own time and space, her power keeping it going.


-Her mother died giving birth to her.

-Jedidiah Fall is both the first and strongest of the creatures called "They".

-Converge is a fragment of a full planet that will never be whole again.

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Image of Snow Fall
Mentioned in the post Ami And The Caves Of Truth (Part 2) Oct 3, 2024, 3:04pm
Updated character profile Sep 3, 2024, 9:50pm
Updated character profile Aug 8, 2024, 6:49pm
Mentioned in the post