jl4l created a new post 98 days ago
Harvester created a new post 193 days ago
Harvester created a new post 671 days ago
Harvester joined the game 672 days ago
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No characters
Gender: Female
Age: 24
Biotech, cybertech, and coding - on stop cyber doc.
Gender: None
Age: NA
Obey the law or be met with force, we are here for your protection.
Age: 12
So back off
Age: 21
New me, New life, New world.
Gender: Male
Age: 23
There is no silver lining, no greener grass, just surviving and trying to get by.
Age: 35
The city she loves me, Lonely as I am together we fly.
It's not right. Dead things should stay dead.
Age: 15
It can't rain all the time.
Age: 25
They are not even human anymore.
Age: 20