Gambling for Information
Nov 5, 2022, 5:30pm
JP with Omni and Lorem:
It seemed like a nasty sport, betting on the lives of two innocent animals being forcefully pitted against each other. They had no choice but to defend themselves ...
Viher's embrace
Nov 5, 2022, 3:16pm
Tamazzalt nodded. "He has received Viher's embrace. Yther's water no longer flow on this one." Came the man's words as he bowed to her for the first time. Of all that would had bowed to her ...
Nov 5, 2022, 3:00pm
Alexis woke from her slumber with a strange sensation rising in the pit of her stomach. She had not felt it for a few days but was familiar enough with the sensation by now to know wh ...
Sting Gambler
Nov 5, 2022, 2:51pm
Voah and Gonyaul watched the men around a small circle of stones. laughing and shouting as two bright yellow and gold scorpions fought each other. One with a pincer almost as large as ...
Once Foreign, Now Known
Nov 5, 2022, 2:10pm
Islana closed her eyes for a brief moment and listened to the chants. They were uplifting and quite beautiful, now that she understood the words.
She opened her eyes while the man approa ...
Once Empty Streets
Nov 5, 2022, 12:20pm
JP with Lorem and Omni
Daylight was waning and the couple reached the part of town in which the widow had directed them.
The bad taste this city had left in Voah’s mouth since ...
Nov 5, 2022, 12:17pm
Brotherhood's lair
Amalu took Shalia into the abandoned building they had been using as a base in Gra'akast.
It was clearly that they had left and apart from a couple of ...
To the death
Nov 5, 2022, 11:49am
The Pit
Tarmen walked into the arena that stood atop The Pit looking at the crowd gathered. A huge difference from the gamblers, cut-throats and rabble that made up the othe ...
Waking into a new life
Nov 5, 2022, 11:27am
The Temple
Islana opened her eyes gingerly. She felt her mind swim in a sea of images and kaleidoscopic flashes as when one wakes from a deep sleep and the dream world was s ...
Back in The Pit
Nov 4, 2022, 11:29pm
To compare the two arenas wasn’t hard. The one he had been going to was a hovel, plain and simple.
The place he found himself had a more subtle grandeur to it, able to mostly keep the ra ...
Nov 4, 2022, 9:16pm
Islana heard the words The Prophetess uttered. She took in all of the wisdom spoken in that brief moment.
Two thousand years of knowledge now left to the young witch. The wisdom of a ...
Helping Hand
Nov 4, 2022, 5:49pm
JP with Winteroak and White_Caribou
He would be one of the last leaving for the war camp. The crates of Skara eggs had been delivered although someone had stopped the first ritual. ...
Nov 4, 2022, 5:35pm
The old woman smiled pulling her shawl over her shoulders although it was not cold.
"You have made it this far sister. In front of you stands the unknown, many paths a ...