Rumination in the Rain
Nov 10, 2022, 12:11am
As the two companions splashed through wet sandy streets of Gra’akast toward the hovel and away from possible recognition in the crowd, they exchanged no words. Whilst trying to hide in pl ...
Turn the Other Cheek
Nov 9, 2022, 6:06pm
Gonyaul tried his best; however, with all the commotion his attempts to contact Islana were in vain. He was like a humble ant shouting up to the radiant sun perched atop the temple balcony. ...
Her New World
Nov 9, 2022, 5:33pm
The water washed over the redhead feeling exhilarating, cleansing and at the same time made her shiver a little due to the weight loss. Still, the woman knew that it had anointed her and th ...
Nov 9, 2022, 4:13pm
Speaking of perishing before having to worry about the storm yet to come…
Alexis‘s eyes narrowed as she traced the movement of the Brotherhood. What were they up to? She had not forgo ...
The coming of rain
Nov 9, 2022, 3:32pm
There was little more precious in the Great Desert of Skulls that the coming of the rain.
The sudden cold downpour from the cloud above washed down among the gathered ...
Tainted relief
Nov 9, 2022, 3:11pm
Standing witness in the sudden rain, Alexis was in awe of Islana’s newfound charisma as she conducted the crowd with confidence and grace.
At least she prayed that this was still Islana ...
Nov 9, 2022, 2:45pm
Tamazzalt listed intently has the new Sister Locust addressed the crowd in perfect Ozainae. The relief was palpable among the desert people. The last few weeks had been t ...
A Familiar Stranger
Nov 9, 2022, 2:41pm
It felt like ages since she demanded an audience with Sister Locust, but the time had finally come. Not at the best time, a minor conflict with the hunt, but everything conflicted nowadays. ...
Addressing The Crowd
Nov 9, 2022, 12:31pm
By now the shouts praising the next incarnation of Sister Locust had reached an almost deafening volume. It seemed as if all of Gra'akast was in the square united in a chorus of varied chee ...
The beginning of an end...
Nov 9, 2022, 11:18am
Oshar opened his eyes. He was lying on his back beneath a lead grey sky, the ground was soft and moist beneath him. The distant roll of thunder was the first thing he heard, followed by the ...
Here I Am
Nov 8, 2022, 11:41pm
JP with Omni and Lorem:
The convergence of people amassed in and around the square, swallowing the streets, heads tilted up toward the sky and the temple. As Gonyaul and Voah approached, ...
The Path of Sand pt. 2
Nov 8, 2022, 10:07pm
Clad in chainmail around her legs and leather over her chest, the warrior that strode to meet Tarmen carried a nasty looking mace. The amount of gore and wounds spoke to the carnage she had ...
The Path of Sand pt. 1
Nov 8, 2022, 10:04pm
Taking stock of his opponents, Tarmen was glad this was a free for all. The lady of knives was a high concern, as well as any others who would be using range, which included the woman with t ...