Showing posts 2416 - 2430 of 2814

Battle joined

Mar 12, 2022, 1:10pm by Winteroak

JP between Lucian, Jaxx, Omni, Bandorchu, Winteroak and Strangetides Confusion reigned on the beach. The smoke and fire from Till's beacon grew larger and larger. The dust devil cr ...


Mar 12, 2022, 11:17am by Jaxx

OOC: JP between Lucian, Jaxx, Omni, Bandorchu and Strangetides After the Red Cap appeared from behind the group, Hunter turned and had an arrow pointed at the red cap as he waited to see ...


Mar 12, 2022, 10:58am by Winteroak

The sergeant looked at Islana and nodded. "Aye, very strange." she eyed you as if appraising you. "Not like he at all. Hendrik a solid hand." He had been acting strange since he returned fr ...

Night, thanks for dinner

Mar 11, 2022, 11:14pm by Lorem

JP between Wim and Gonyaul: Wim smiled as he ate. Goynaul’s thought was… Idealistic. The world was a place of give and take where people look out for their best interest. “Ants d ...

The Beacon

Mar 11, 2022, 9:50pm by Omni

The trek back to their first camp was slow and arduous. Voah stopped often to catch here breath and check on her injuries. There was no sleep for her as she continued on through the night. ...

Covering Oneself

Mar 11, 2022, 1:52pm by Cindy

The sudden knowledge that Hendrick had gone missing caused her worry but she kept it at a level appropriate for learning that about someone one barely knew.. Not surprisingly living with Lo ...

New day

Mar 11, 2022, 1:31pm by Winteroak

Timestamp: Stoneshade Keep - Ostiarium Islana was directed to the lower levels of the Keep upon arrival, where the City's jail is located. It's only the second time you visit t ...


Mar 11, 2022, 10:59am by Winteroak

Sentinel Island - Beach -Day 5 After walking in the dark, Nicolas, Tarmen and Hunter made their way to the coast where they first arrived. They noticed the lack of natives and bea ...

Dreaming Fears

Mar 10, 2022, 12:23pm by Cindy

The time spent at the Rectory had been useful and Islana had found the Friar to be not just knowledgeable but nice and the unpleasant topic aside the evening had been, dare she say, enjoyabl ...

Crossing borders

Mar 10, 2022, 6:43am by Bandorchu

Seriously, what was it with those guys and their obsession with blood? Alexis ducked behind a tree and held her dagger at the ready, leaving her sword sheathed as to not make any noise. ...

Enemies everywhere

Mar 10, 2022, 5:09am by Winteroak

Timestamp: Sentinel Island -Beach cove Tarmen, Hunter and Nicolaus - As you get closer and closer to the beach cove, not far from your first camp, you notice that the who ...


Mar 9, 2022, 6:02pm by Jaxx

OOC: JP between Lucian, Jaxx and Strangetides As they waited they saw a few natives come and go along with and without some wild beasts among them. The natives and beasts looked very con ...

The calm after the storm

Mar 9, 2022, 2:05am by Bandorchu

Alexis had been walking for a while now, long past sunset and into the jungle night. Like it or not, she was going to need a break soon. She had followed the stream she fell in, given ...

The Fire Still Burns

Mar 9, 2022, 12:29am by Lorem

JP between Wim and Gonyaul: Gonyaul nodded in understanding of Wim’s reasoning. The comment triggered in him a response he had been taught over and over again, “if you numb feelings y ...

A Warning?

Mar 8, 2022, 11:03pm by Omni

The water was cold but might not be clean. She had heard tales of parasites that lived in the waters of the jungle. For now she decided to use her water skin to clean up her wounds as best s ...

Showing posts 2416 - 2430 of 2814