Showing posts 1591 - 1605 of 2814

A Rough and Windy Night

Jul 11, 2022, 7:03pm by Lorem

The first night Gonyaul was permitted to sleep in one of the Odsier tents. Now he had had time to setup his own camping tent, next to it, and within the security of their perimeter. He was n ...

An Evening with Tiponi

Jul 11, 2022, 2:11pm by Lorem

During the evening meal Gonyaul was strategically placed next to the one armed Odsier woman again. He had learned earlier that her name was Tiponi. She had been made to dress up more then us ...

Making Berry Pemmican

Jul 11, 2022, 11:55am by Lorem

As the games came to an end around camp Gonyaul could hear the communal celebrations of good sportsmanship. He made note of how such fun really rejuvenated the atmosphere after a morning of ...

Odsier Chores and Games

Jul 11, 2022, 10:14am by Lorem

Gonyaul was able to determine with a fair amount of certainty that he had been dropped off into the care of the womenfolk to be babysat while Dorgarag had gone on to more pressing matters wi ...

…For The Witch You Didn’t Kill

Jul 10, 2022, 3:49pm by Omni

JP with Omni and Winteroak She wasn’t expecting to be comforted by her visit with the Purger but it was true, she wasn’t alone anymore. Arbiter Voah Sahnsuur gave out a slow in ...

Trouble Finds Her

Jul 10, 2022, 11:46am by Cindy

The young man started shouting at Islana and grabbed at injured arm pulling at it. Before she knew what was happening he was trying to drag her away from the fountain. The pull on her inj ...

The Odsier Welcome the Vaux

Jul 10, 2022, 1:53am by Lorem

It had been four days since he had parted ways with Voah. Day One Gonyaul had returned to the slaughtered Odsier tribe in search of potential supplies. He was hoping that he woul ...

Make yourself at home

Jul 10, 2022, 12:47am by Bandorchu

JP with Winteroak and Bandorchu They paid a young boy at a stable in Lowood to stable their horses. Tar took very uncomfortable in the seas of people that swarmed the streets of Ostiariu ...

Confessions of a Doubting Arbiter - V

Jul 9, 2022, 7:05pm by Winteroak

JP with Omni and Winteroak Was she actually blessed? Was her ability a boon from the Gods? She wondered then if she hadn’t just been used… kept alive by the Pillars as merely the veh ...

By The Fountain

Jul 9, 2022, 12:57pm by Cindy

Glancing around, her green eyes caught sight of Alcuin. That grinning evil face. Her heart raced, her throat got suddenly dry. Then all she could see was then men stepping in front of her ...


Jul 9, 2022, 11:16am by Winteroak

A History of Helias Compendium - Garrah A large glaciation, less than 1000 years ago which covered the entire mountainous land mass of modern Garrah, destroying any traces of h ...

A growing city

Jul 9, 2022, 8:40am by Bandorchu

JP with Winteroak and Bandorchu That evening Tar declined to sleep in one of the rooms and take a bed, choosing instead to sleep in front of the fireplace in the main room. He rose ea ...

Confessions of a Doubting Arbiter IV

Jul 8, 2022, 7:48pm by Omni

JP with Omni and Winteroak The man with the red eyes and pale complexion heard her tale on the Cult of Slivikhi. As he had imagined the Duke had left much out of his own accounts. ...

Confession of a Doubting Arbiter III

Jul 8, 2022, 6:56pm by Omni

Voah continued with as much truth as she could, trying not to betray the friends she had made along the way. “Yes, Purger. I am certain it was an Alossi ship. I recognized the insignia ...

Confessions of a Doubting Arbiter - II

Jul 8, 2022, 6:23pm by Winteroak

JP with Omni and Winteroak She had been anticipating the question with plenty of time to think about it. In the end she had decided to settle for a partial truth. “Regrettably ...

Showing posts 1591 - 1605 of 2814