Who Are You?

JP with Omni and Lorem

Gonyaul made room for Voah to join him comfortably. There was a part of him that really wanted to know what had happened down in the depths from the moment she left to when they found them. He had a feeling though it was unpleasant and perhaps that would be best suited for her to share when she felt ready. Instead, perhaps something to take her mind away from the traumatic experience was a better conversation starter.

Gonyaul looked to Voah with adoration. It had been a while since they had the opportunity to converse in private with everything going on around them. He whispered. “I believe you turn to ask a question?“

She laughed a little. It was almost like a game. And she certainly had many questions.

“Right… So much has happened… and I still know so little about you.”

She thought for a moment, tapping her lips with a finger.

“I couldn’t really tell from the clothes you wore that day we met on The Hogue… And certainly not since. But Carver told me you are a farmer. Is that right?”

Gonyaul was glad she asked an easy question, void of any of the trials and tribulations of late.

He nodded, “I farm, yes. Not really farmer.” He knew that didn’t make sense, so he tried to explain.

“Have many jobs. Take me place to place. Became farmer and end up in new lands because I had idea.”

It felt so long ago now, but it had only been two years since he started being a farmhand in Salos. “I figure out idea to make wheat, and some other crops, grow in tough grow places.”

Genuinely intrigued she commented, “I see. That must have been some idea.”

Gonyaul nodded, but he had zero traces of pride, grandeur, or arrogance as he spoke. “I was spark of thought use of fungi laced into root system would work. And found right kind. Then other men, smarter than I, figure out how work it. Credit deserve to them really.”

He really wanted to use his hands while talking, but could not in order to keep the blanket covering him.

He trailed off lightly thinking about the owner, now deceased, who had brought him to Arcadia on the ship.

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