Characters in this post

View character profile for: Wim Riese

View character profile for: Voah Sahnsuur

View character profile for: Alexis Greyriver

View character profile for: Boyce Blackwolf

View character profile for: Tarmen Frespit

View character profile for: Hunter

View character profile for: Nicolaus Cagliostro

View character profile for: Islana Annora

View character profile for: Gonyaul'vaux

View character profile for: Markus Norixius
Celebrations part 14
Posted byPosted: May 15, 2022, 12:05pm
JP with Winteroak, Cindy, Zeeke, Lorem, Jaxx, Omni, Bandorchu, red_sword7, LucianNepreen, Strangetides
Wim walked over and got some food after the cask ran dry. There would be a lot of hung over people in the morning.. The cask going dry freed him from needing to stay with the wagon. The lumber would head to the mine so he would be free of that too. His pockets were full.
He watched the dancers and did what he did at parties, stay to the sides.
Islana had eventually opened her eyes and sat back up. Well, that was an odd feeling, to be that relaxed, kind of nice really. However, that taste of fermented goat's milk seemed to linger on her tongue.
The redhead stood up and went to get some water and some berries which seemed to fix the taste problem.
Her eyes went to Boyce for perhaps longer than an instant. Watching him play music and interact with others. The fact the man seemed comfortable wherever he went hadn't been lost on the young woman and it was fascinating to watch.
Not wanting her gaze to be that apparent, she shifted to watching the dancers for a moment. Then it was off to find a seat, some place by the dwindling fire.
Wim walked over and sat by the fire too.
"Nice party," he said knowing that the last bit of drinking was profit lost. He did not care as this group needed something fun.
"Yes, it is." Islana agreed.
The young woman could have also said interesting as it was a night like none she had had before. Singing, drinking, dancing - interesting.
"You've had fun then?" Islana asked knowing that Wim had been handing out drinks all night.
Wim smile and said, "The Brewmaster told me that people laughing and having a good time means we did a good job."
It wasn't an answer in one way, but it indicated some pleasure.
"You looked like you were having fun," he said.
The he asked, "Need me to make theusic stop?"
"I did. Though I probably should have stopped at one drink" Islana joked
"No, I'm fine." Responding to his question about the music. "Thank you."
Wim smiled and said, "Music and drink can get to be a lot some times. My father had a party that the music was loud enough that I had to retire after eight drinks."
Markus walked around a bit after dancing with Alexis and after grabbing a other slice of roasted goat he saw Wim Reise talking with a young redhair woman. He made his wait to them.
"Greetings." He said looking at Islana. "I'm Markus. Hope you are enjoying your time with us in Aquilo." He said with a smile. "Master Riese, surely this is all the proof you need that you should petition the Duke to open an Inn or tavern in the settlement..."
Islana smiled at him, "Eight drinks? I couldn't get past two ales and a drink of the fermented goat's milk. By the way your ale is good. The milk seems to be more of an acquired taste."
At this point, Markus arrived. "Greetings, I'm Islana," Islana returned the smile, "I am thank you."
Meanwhile Gonyaul had climbed atop Nicolaus’s rig. He could never remember what he called it, it wasn’t a wagon. But it had a harder roof. He was laying on his side, because his upper back wasn’t pleased with all the dancing he did. At least the wound would not be opening anymore and it was more just a muscle rehab issue.
He was staring up at the stars. He physically was there but he was somewhere else in his mind basking in the glow of his time with Voah and wondering how on earth was he going to fall asleep when he could see her eyes in the stars and even when he closed his eyes.
Hunter cooled down with more water as he watched the other guests enjoy themselves. It didn't bother him to look like a fool dancing with Tarmen or act like he was having a good time. As he was doing so he was gauging everyone's expressions and body language. He was still worried about unknown threats and they were more common when people got drunk and let their guard down. After seeing Voah and Gonyaul getting very friendly he smirked to see her behave like that. As he was cooling down he wondered what was in the mines that was causing up a stir among the miners. While doing his errands during the day he heard a lot of things that piqued his interest. It was only a matter of time before his group of allies wanted to investigate the mines. After Wim's warning of a hidden enemy he wondered if the mines contained more danger.
Voah watched from across the party as Gonyaul perched on Nicolaus’ carriage. Her head was full to the brim with questions and her heart swelled. Her mouth hurt from smiling. She wanted to get back around to make sure everyone else was having a good time and thank them one last time before the night moved on. She pushed the feelings out for the moment with an exhale.