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View character profile for: Voah Sahnsuur

View character profile for: Hunter

View character profile for: Nicolaus Cagliostro
Cagliostros’ Apothecary – Evening – A Surprise Visitor (or three)
There came a loud rap on the back door of the apothecary shortly followed by a ring from the delivery bell.
Nicolaus glanced up from his work. He sighed and set his tools down. "Don't go anywhere."
The shutter on the second storey iron framed window swung inward and he cast a furtive look over the sill to the street below before leaning out to observe the huddled group in the shadows and moonlight.
"Good Eve, rather late for a delivery."
The Arbiter shoved the blinded man back toward Hunter. Pulling her collar down, she looked up and gave Cagliostro a smile hoping he would recognize her behind the dirt.
“This is a ‘special’ delivery… need your help.”
Hunter received Blank from Voah and quickly poked him in the eyes to add to his pain and make him choke on the dust a bit more. He needed him quiet before they could secure him inside the apothecary.
"Arbiter, this is a surprise. Give me a moment I will be right down." Nicolaus resecured the shutters and barred the window before retracing his steps down the stairs. He paused for a moment to clean his hands and undo and fold his apron and place it in a drawer.
He attached a small open pouch to his belt and placed a packet on the table before going to the iron banded timber door and lifting the bar. He opened the heavy door on its well-oiled hinges.
Well... her charade as a man was short lived, hopefully no one else outside had heard him speak. The Arbiter and the assassin, gripping Blank tightly, moved swiftly inside past Cagliostro into the back room of the apothecary.
"I hate to bring you into this matter of mine, Master Cagliostro but I am in need of a quiet place for asking questions... if you take my meaning."
Hunter kept Blank in pain and disoriented to prevent any escape attempts. He intended to keep Blank healthy and alive for interrogation. He hoped Blank was weak and spill his secrets soon since they were racing the clock at this point.
Nicolaus quickly searched the shadows of the alley then resecured the door. He turned and walked past his new guests, "Follow me."
They passed by the piled supplies in the storeroom and into the workroom. Nicolaus walked to the table and opened the packet placed there and emptied it into his hand.
Voah looked at Hunter with an expression that said, 'that was easier than I thought' as she elbowed their captive.
Hunter simply nodded at Voah as he kept Blank immobile and quiet.
Approaching the man being restrained and supported by Hunter, the Apothecary studied his face and the obvious damage. "Hmmm, you can put him on that table, there are straps beneath the top to secure his legs and arms." he waved hand towards a clear worktable.
"Very well. Once we get him restrained, I would like a quick word with you in private, sir." Voah said.
Hunter did as Nicolaus requested and put Blank on the clear worktable and began to secure him. Voah assisted with the straps.
As they finished securing him to the table Nicolaus slipped his powder filled hand over the man's mouth and nose. He held the man steady with surprising strength until he felt the muscles relax. “He can still hear and speak but should be no further trouble, his limbs are dead weight. Arbiter would you like some tea?”
Hunter began to search Blanks clothes for hidden items and remove all the things he found.
The Arbiter's mouth actually hung open slightly as she stood in astonishment behind her collar and hat, all of which she promptly removed.
"Well...Clearly, you've done this before, or you can read minds. Can't believe I'm saying this but, yes to tea. But I must work quickly."
Hunter removed a few vials of a dark syrup and put them on a different table. Then he removed a few knives and coins.
"Well, you are the representative of the Inquisition, and I have been called in before to ensure the survival of a particular prisoner. As have most practitioners, I assume this is what is happening?" Nicolaus remarked as he watched Hunter work.
She was going to have that discussion later, but she was glad he decided to make it clear immediately. "It is indeed, though I personally have only experienced these things alone. Since that is out of the way I need you to know exactly what I aim to get from this interrogation. He is suspected of the murder aboard The Hogue and his name was mentioned by a confessor as one of the cultists of the creed."
She whispered in his ear, "...and if Hunter decides to get too crazy, I may need your help stopping him."
Nicolaus gave a small nod, "Certainly, I shall make a round of tea. I am at your disposal."
She was impressed by his calm demeanor. "Thank you." she said, nodding back. Then she turned back to their captive.
The interrogation could now begin, and torture would happen if necessary. It wasn't fun to her, just a means to an end. Even if it was a witch or heretic. Voah preferred to get the job done and over with.
This cult seemed like the kind who would only talk if you made them wish they were dead as they were as good as dead anyway after being caught whether they spoke or not, but some people are easier to break than others.
Nicolaus coaxed the brazier beneath the copper boiler back to life and began heating the water. He crossed the room and selected three packets of crushed tea leaves after studying his selection.