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View character profile for: Voah Sahnsuur

View character profile for: Hunter
The Hunted
Posted byPosted: Apr 13, 2022, 7:40pm
Hunter walked like a drunkard while holding his fishing rod in one hand and his bottle in the other as he was indirectly following Blank. He drunkenly sang a sailor's chanty that was barely audible unless they were very close. He would pause in the song to take a fake swig for booze.
"In the Crimson Sanctum,
lives a wolf amongst the sheep.
They say he hunts by the moonlight.
They say he never sleeps.
This man, he hunts the hunters.
This man, whose soul is black.
This man, whose howls cut the darkness.
This man, he leads the pack.
He lives in the shadow;
He is known as the Wraith.
And if your soul is wicked
You are never safe.
(Pause to drink)
His mother was the wolf pack.
His father was the night.
From one he was taught to survive.
From the other he was taught to fight.
He kills without remorse;
There is no right or wrong.
He sees not good or evil,
Simply weak or strong.
Pray you never cross him
And pray you never meet.
Every man who dared oppose him
Has met with bloody defeat.
So mothers watch your children,
Keep them home and keep them safe.
For after the sun sets,
These lands belong to Shadow wraith."
Hunter swayed a bit as he looked wobbly while sort of moving forward and humming the song again as he kept track of Voah and they target. He made sure to avoid running into others as he paused or moved to the side in a drunken manner.
The crowd dispersed as the Dock Ward gave way to Suncross Square. Some people went to shops, vendors, or the shrine, others continued straight through to Lowood. To Voah's surprise, their target stopped at the meat stall for a bite to eat, apparently choosing to skip the paltry pickings of the Drunken Hare tonight. She wasn't sure now whether the man would even go to Lowood.
Twilight consumed the sky and Voah and Hunter had little choice but to linger nearby and watch. She sauntered lazily around the square but always headed in the direction of the apothecary, casually looking around the square and up into the winter sky. The near full moon was hidden behind the clouds. That was good. Occasionally, Voah would glance over her shoulder or stop to fiddle with her pipe or walking stick. The plan had changed slightly. Good thing she had already stopped for dinner as this night could go just as bad as last time.
Looking at Hunter for a moment she thought she saw a glimpse of anger or jealousy in his expression as he he watched Blank talk to the twins. He wasn't at their stall long and soon continued on his way toward the dark alleys of Lowood and away from the safe glow of lamplight in the square. Thank the Pillars. She would be waiting for Blank in the darkness past the apothecary.
Hunter was now quiet as he approached Blank from behind and off to the side as he had a swagger to look a bit tipsy from his drink. Each step brought them closer to the spot Voah was waiting for them at. Instead of singing a shanty, Hunter was counting the steps left in his mind before he could take action. He kept up his drunken walk to blend in with the public as he was slowly gaining ground on Blank. Then as they approached the dark alleyway Voah was in Blank dropped a vial on the ground and as he reached to pick it up he saw Hunter behind him. He was so startled he tried to scream as he stood up. Sadly before he could speak Hunter dropped his fishing pole and tossed a handful of dust into Blank's mouth, eyes and nose. This caused Blank to choke in a blinded state. Hunter used that moment to grab Blank by the family jewels and hoist him up an inch or two as he walked him into the alleyway and crushed his goodies real good before dropping him before Voah. He nodded at her as he whispered, "Are we taking the front door or backdoor?"
Was there a back door? If so, that would be preferable. Voah wasn’t sure how easy it would be to make it past the meat heads guarding the front door.
“The back door.” she whispered back.
“Come along now. We don’t have all night.” she said to the injured man as she yanked him up with the help of Hunter. They dragged him kicking and grunting around the back of the apothecary where they were met a couple of young lovers making out in hiding.
“Piss off!” she growled at them and stamped her staff to the ground.
The lovers gave them dirty looks as they reluctantly moved on to find a new place to conduct their secret rendezvous. Voah rapped hard on the door with her staff.
Since Blank tried to get get brave and struggle, Hunter gave him a quick hand chop to his throat to choke him aga