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View character profile for: Voah Sahnsuur

View character profile for: Hunter

View character profile for: Gonyaul'vaux
Assassin in Custody
JP with Voah, Hunter, Gonyaul and Winteroak.
Before Voah turned to leave she looked directly at the old woman, “Remember in future to show respect to the Arbiter of your faith.”
The riot-like tension seemed to have been abated. This was a good thing for all parties. Gonyaul decided it may be best to quietly slip away into the crowd of people. He would surely have a tale to tell if he ever did make it home one day. He met, talked to, and survived meeting an actual Arbiter.
He had turned and taken one step when he instantly saw several men eyeing him with ill intent. Unbeknownst to Gonyaul, they were friends of the man he just informed on. They were obviously not happy.
Gonyaul stopped in his tracks, turned and started walking back to the Arbiter. She, and her aggressive limping friend, seemed to be the only thing keeping anyone from going combative right now. He would just have to press his luck a little longer, but being near her was probably the safer option at the moment.
He didn’t announce that he was going to go with her. He didn’t make a sound. Like a remora hitching a ride on a larger predator he began to move with them; always mindful to be out of range for one sword strike distance.
Hunter used his staff to scratch out the symbol on the first then looked at the man Voah was taking into custody and spoke softly, “I would advise you do as the Arbiter says. Unless you want your friends to take your place.”
“Walk.” she ordered the man and he begrudgingly started to move in the direction in which he was urged. Voah was trying to keep herself calm and collected but inside she was livid at the way the day had turned out. To top it off, she had an awful fucking headache which was muddying her thoughts. Thank the Pillars this day was nearly done and she could return to the comfort of her quarters with a draft of the apothecary’s good stuff, maybe some late dinner, so long as there was no more trouble before then. She pushed the thoughts away and tried to remain mindful.
She had some words for both Hunter and Gonyaul but she would have to save them for later.