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View character profile for: Voah Sahnsuur

View character profile for: Hunter

View character profile for: Gonyaul'vaux
Silencing the Mob
JP with Hunter, Voah, Gonyaul and Winteroak
IC: The crowd murmured and groaned. The presence of the Arbiter here took everyone by surprise. Most had not seen much of her in the last three months. But everyone was aware what the presence of the Inquisition meant. They were the kind of people that stabbed first and asked questions later.
As Gonyaul drew the symbol close to the fire you can see the crowd looking around to one another. They have all seen the symbols before. These carvings are popping up more and more in the forests around the city.
The man under the Arbiter's locked eyes with Gonyaul. Murder in his eyes.
The old woman spoke again
"If he is a murderer where is the guard? What is this talk about a cult?" She asked to some murmurs of support.
"A pox on the Guard and the Keep." Came another voice from the crowd." Where were they when our children we were starving?" More shouts of agreement rose in the night.
Hunter shook his head as he spoke up to Voah as he leaned on his staff, "As you can see my dear Arbiter........ these people are weak minded and will follow anyone who offers them an ounce of "So called" kindness" be they friend of monster. So when the all mighty Sir Zane was prioritizing his keep and soldiers, he neglected these people during a rather harsh famine that happened in a nasty winter. This created an opportunity for others to take advantage of them with promises of a land of milk and honey. However since most of them lack a proper education they failed to realize no one helps others for free. There is always a price to pay." Hunter then popped his neck as he warmed up by the fire then spoke again, "I know you don't approve of my methods, but in the end it won't matter. So my question for you and this pacifist rabbit (Gonyaul) is what are you going to do before a rebellion happens?" Hunter then rubbed the lump on his head and made sure he was not bleeding.
Gonyaul could feel the tensions rising. The subdued assassin was enraged with wrath and the crowd’s courage to discharge their blaming was adding to the strife in the air. Gonyaul felt for them all. He was taught that blame was a discharge of discomfort and pain; hurt people, hurt people. He empathized and attuned with how things in their lives could lead them all to such a state; however, the way everyone here was going about things was backwards. It would only lead to an even worse outcome, inwardly and outwardly.
Gonyaul looked to Hunter. That man appeared to be a catalyst for chaos tonight. He couldn’t interpret exactly what he was saying over the shouts of the crowd and crackling of the fire.
He looked to the Arbiter in anticipation. This moment was a vital opportunity. What she chose to do and say next would make all the difference.
“Quiet! I will explain what I can! My concern is not yet with the guard and the Duke, but with an ongoing investigation. This man and this symbol have been identified in relation to a cult from Helias unrelated to our Pillars! He is specifically confirmed as an attacker with intent to murder by my witness.
Additionally, he is potentially related to a murder that took place aboard The Hogue over a week ago.
You will have to excuse my assistant, sometimes an investigation requires crude methods to extract results.
I am here for answers!”
The crowd went silent at the Arbiter's outburst but offered nothing else in return.
"Doesn't look like you are here for answers if your mind is already made up. If you have proof that man is an assassin take him and begone with you." The frail old woman shouted back and turned her back on the Arbiter. "That's what your kind always does..."
The Arbiter was taken aback at this last comment.
“My kind? My KIND is with the people.” She let her foot of the suspect but kept her eye on him.
“My kind is with the worshippers of the Pillars? My KIND has kept us safe for the last century and a half.” she attempted with gentle persuasion.
“I intend to take this man into my custody, and I would pray for more cooperation from him and from your own, lest these attacks and murders continue unchecked. Turn against your gods and who will help you then, I wonder.”
“Hunter, do me the honor of destroying this symbol… I am finished here! But I will ask you again, if any among you has information about this symbol and those creating them, bring your anonymous letters and confessions to the shrine and the matter will be investigated further.”
She bent to pick up the suspect cautiously by his arm.