Trouble averted...

The mood in the tavern felt tense as the man with the tattoos punched the newcomer and took his ledger. Some cheered at the scene while others tried burying their faces into their cups. Some wanted nothing more than to see some blood spilled, while others simply wanted to get back to enjoying their night.

Two thugs backed away slightly when Voah talked about a list and the gods but the tattooed lumberjack grinned at her and her warnings.

He bowed to her, touching the sword of Vastad inked above his left brow with two fingers which was usually meant to be a sign of respect, but the Arbiter was not so sure with this one...

Pushing and shoving against the small crowd that had gathered around the young noble's the three men laughed as they left the Drunken Hare and it's denizens for the rest of the evening.

Another day in Lowood for the older denizens of the town and a lesson for newcomers that they were very far from home and to tread carefully.

< Prev : Let the Boys Be Boys Next > : Well, that was interesting and all…