Let the Boys Be Boys

"Thank you, my dear Blackwolf." Voah replied as Wolf took his leave. She grabbed Wym by the arm and lifted him to his feet with a firm grasp, stronger than he probably expected from her, then she turned back to the tattoed thug.

“Well, before you decide to kill the lordling, you would do well to consider Vastad. You risk his reproach. It was through Riese, here, that divine destiny has returned this holy blade to me. So, perhaps the gods aren’t finished using him.”

Then she turned to the other man who had joked about having his way with her.
"As for you, today was full of disappointments. Looks like I’ll have to add you to my LIST."

Finally, she addressed all of the thugs and Wym. "Well, you BOYS put on quite a show, play nice now."

She turned away, slipping her sword back into its sheath Voah headed over to Till.

"Did you look through my things?" She teased him.

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