Talks About Changing Tactics

Hunter nodded at Voah as he swallowed his fish bite. He drank some water to wash it down then spoke, "Well that's the thing. You see when I first came here I had no intention to share my past with anyone. However I ended up getting your attention anyway despite my intentions. I was very concerned that you and I would end up crossing swords before breaking bread. However as you also know many of our shared experiences have taken a toll on us and changed how we see things. However after waking up injured and defeated, I am unsure what to do with myself. I was conditioned to be used and thrown away by my owner. Being defeated and crippled makes me a useless Hunter. If were with my prior owner I would be executed already."

'His owner...' By the Pillars, that still disgusted her. He was a nameless child. She swallowed a bite of seasoned veggies and cleared her throat.

"If you don't mind me saying so, I think maybe the reason you feel the way you do is... not only because you were unable to best that creature in the jungle... but because you were overconfident in your skill and knowledge of the world... you lack the right... perspective. Someone like you... undoubtedly skilled as you are... needs focus in their life otherwise they simply drift. But I think it is good for everyone to be humbled every now and again... see things in a new light... not in such a dangerous manner mind you."

She took a gulp from her wooden goblet.

Hunter pondered Voah's words for a bit as he tried to understand everything she was saying. Humility was a troublesome topic for Hunter much like Faith. Since he was conditioned to shove such a concept to the side he never really grasped it. So he asked, "And how does one become Humble? I was never taught how since like faith it was seen as a hindrance."

"My dear Hunter, humility is the very thing that brought you to the Friar. When one realizes their wisdom is flawed, that a greater design is out there. And if your mind is open, you accept it and like water, you" she searched for the words. "...adapt... you... find ways to learn from it. And you have already begun that path. You must grow to respect the thing that which causes you fear and discover the way to overcome it."

Hunter tried to understand what Voah was saying but the words and the process appeared as two different things to him. He scratched his head as he tried to wrap his mind around Voah's wisdom. Then he spoke as he replied, "Well I understand the concept of adaption since I have had to alter my tactic when I eliminated my targets. One time I had to kill a rather robust, greedy, wealthy merchant who tried to rip off my owner. Since he doubled his security, I replaced myself as a servant and killed him with a soup spoon. After that I was forced to change my escape plans."

The Arbiter's eyeballs turned to the other acolytes who didn't seem to be eavesdropping. She nodded her head with a concerned look on her face. This was Arcadia after all but she wasn't sure how the others would take to hearing the man's tales of murder.

"A little less on the specifics, but yes. That is exactly what I mean. Switching tactics. In some circumstances, it takes more than a slight thought to realize we have to change tactics, learn new ones or see or faults... In your case faith. What do you know already of the Pillars? I'm not judging you, most people back in Helias worship only one of them."

Hunter tried to imagine changing his tactics in non-combat for his life. He imagined cooking in different ways and imagined it ending up in disaster. Then he imagined carving wood with the wrong tool and slicing off a finger. Then he imagined sewing in a different way and pictured ripping his clothing. Then at last he imagined hunting animals and shooting them in the butt instead of the eye. This quickly turned south as he imagined the meat being poisoned. He spoke up as he made a sour face, "The Pillars you say. Well I was taught the main ones are Cambena, Vastad, Hoi, Kupen, Zinheim, Orestes, Ereuhin, and Panolis. However despite knowing of their importance, I have never seen proof of their existence as many of my targets cried out to them in vain."

"Men say many things when they are faced with their own demise. I would argue that you haven't seen proof of the Gods because you haven't been looking or rather... your mind is closed to them. I was able to dispel the effects of a shaman's spell against our companion, Alexis. How could I have done that without the help of the gods? That yellow-eyed, dust devil reacted aggressively to the name of Cambena. Stopped in its tracks by the sacred salt. My scars... where are they?"

Hunter looked at Voah as he listened to her testimony. Sadly he only had her word on the topic since he was not privy to see such miracles happen. He swallowed his food and drank some water to cleanse his throat. Then he responded, "Hmmmmm........ Sadly I was not privy to see such events as I was not by your side when things went bad. However I was able to eliminate over a dozen of the same savage natives including some that tamed wild beasts. Tarmen and Nicolaus were by my side during that time. A well placed arrow to the mouth prevented them from speaking and the hornet trap I set off distracted them as I picked them off. My only mistake was underestimating the magical creature. So I have seen the magic of the savages first hand. However I must say I am surprised by your healing ability which I can not explain."

At that moment, Friar Jassin entered with a small cohort of men, one soldier and two city guard's. The Arbiter was surprised by their arrival and the Friar quickly explained that some events taking place in the city had made Sir Zane decide that the Friar could use with some protection.

The Friar told Voah what he knew about the recent events but before she could ask more details he produced a small folded piece of paper.

"I was at the Keep. Was asked to pass you a note. Sir Zane allowed it." He said handing the piece of paper to the Arbiter. "Boyce Blackwolf is still in jail. He requests your presence."

"Blackwolf arrested?" She didn't recall hearing anything of the sort, but then again, she had been out of it with a feverish addled brain for that first week at least. "I'll go to see him right away. Is there anything else I've missed?"

"Best if you have a word with Sir Zane, my dear."

Hunter remained quiet as the friar and Voah spoke. He was curious why Blackwolf was arrested and why the friar and Voah were involved.
Since he was not involved he finished his meal and drank his water to clear his throat. Then he stood up and spoke, “Well since you are busy, I will excuse myself.” Then Hunter began limping towards the door.

"Hunter, wait! You can start by giving thanks."

The Arbiter bowed a quick thanks to Hoi and the cook for the meal and cleaned herself up, getting ready to leave.

"I'm volunteering you to accompany me to the keep." she said to Hunter. "But first I need to grab my sword. If the Friar is indeed in danger, I may find myself needed protection as well."

She bade the Friar farewell and safety. Before departing the rectory, Voah went back to her private quarters while Hunter waited outside the dining hall for her.

Hunter had a feeling Voah would not let him bail on her when the friar and guards appeared. He was glad his habit of wearing a lot of hidden weapons was a daily ritual for him. Even if he was questioning his life options he was still ready to defend himself if need be. Sadly he did leave his bow and short swords back at the twin's shack so the biggest weapon he had was the two long knives hidden on his back under his cloak. He also had a walking staff he used to keep his balance, but out of boredom he modified with a hidden blade to use as a spear if needed. So after waiting for Voah to return with her sword he sighed as he expected to protect her with a bad limp. He was curious why she had such an interest in him.

Voah strapped her sword on, took a deep breath and let it out, then stepped out of her quarters into the garden making her way back to Hunter. Together they set off into the streets of the Misty Ward making their way to the Keep.

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