Apothecary Shop - Jyin Poisoned 2

Nicolaus’ eyes skimmed the page in the large book before turning and striding to a large bookcase and quickly pulling another thick tome from a shelf. He flipped rapidly to a specific page then returned to lay the two books side by side and compared them. He glanced at the sample vials arrayed in a line on the table.

“Well Jyin, it is definitely a vegetable based poison. And we have ruled out the usual suspects like Deadly Moonshadow, Hellelocke and Monk’s Rest. And the uncommon like Ricinole from astoria beans or Lilium of the Meadow which the majority of people think is just a pretty flower and don’t realize is deadly from root to flower. No, this is something else.”

His eyes wandered to a line of shelves filled with ongoing experiments. There amongst the veritable sea of glass was a flask filled with liquid a strange blue. He glanced once more at the sample vials then went to the shelf and drew down the flask. Remnants of dark green leaves were breaking down in a solution. The label, written in a tight and meticulous hand noted these leaves were from a native plant brought by a regular supplier of herbs and other supplies who thought it odd and of possible interest. He brought it back to the workbench and set it by the similarly coloured vial. Not similar, exactly coloured.
Nicolaus tapped his lip with a forefinger, “Something new then, something local, at hand and effective.”
The figure on the nearby cot covered only by a white sheet, made no sound, the shallow rise and fall of the sheet the only sign that life still lingered.

Turning to a row of small drawers, Nicolaus compared the number on the flask and opened a narrow one with a matching label. He withdrew a drawstring bag with more of the leaves inside. Taking a half dozen he added then to a mortar and pestle. As he started to grind the dry leaves into a powder a knock sounded at the front door. Then a second knock.

Still grinding, Nicolaus moved to the barred window and glanced out to see Tolan and a pair of men waiting. “Yes?”

“It’s me sir, Tolan with some men looking for Cylax leaves.”

Setting his tools down, Nicolaus unlocked the door and opened it a hands breadth and eyed the trio expectantly.
“Sir this is Gilber and Joa.” Tolan said gesturing at the two men.

Gilber was a large man tall and well-muscled, thick in the chest and shoulders with big calloused hands with flat knuckles. His face was scarred and his flattened nose and torn ears spoke volumes. The other man was thin and wiry, furtive and nervous. Peering around the other man’s bulk, he looked to be taking everything around him in with his ever moving head and eyes.
“They work as a team sir, and two more will relieve them mid-day then they will rotate back.”

“I trust your judgement Tolan, …until you give me cause not to. You men from here on only eat or drink what Tolan supplies you, including smoke or snuff. I cannot vouch for your safety if you do otherwise as someone may try to get to me through you.”

“Tolan, get them settled then check around the town if anyone has heard, seen or knows of anything similar to the sap being traded.”

After re-securing the door Nicolaus returned to his mortar and pestle.

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