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View character profile for: Wim Riese

View character profile for: Gonyaul'vaux
Fireflies and stars
Wim watched Gonyaul go, then he got up and built up the fire, and setup the tent. Wim also hung the deer meat up off the ground and burned what scraps he could. he rubbed his hands in the dirt like Gonyaul had done, let it dried the poured some of the water from his water skin on his hands to make them cleaner.
He gathered more wood for the fire. He was expecting it to be cold. He sat and whittled on a stick making a sharp point till his clothes were finally dry and he felt warm.
Wim loved the night, it is when people showed their true selves. it was the time that people relaxed and let down their guard. It was the time you had to think and dream. It was the time that people like him took advantages, twisted words, and made twisted deals. It was also the time that the children came to be cuddled, songs were sung, and stories told. Maybe Hoi was right maybe he needed to learn to be a brewer and find a wife. He day dreamed about what it would be like to come home to her in her most alluring natural state, then like a board to the back of the head he was back in his hovel alone. Anger bubbled in him with dash of regret, resentment, and loneliness. Being alone in the wilderness was not a friend of Wim, he needed noise and distraction of people. Here he was with his biggest critic, himself.
He still thought Orestes was an ass but so was he at times, that he understood. He waited for the moon to rise to offer a prayer to Orestes to protect and guild him.