Just In Time

“I am sure we could come to a much better arrangement that would have benefited everyone,” said the lordling as he rakishly picked up the book in his left hand.

Voah was surprised the men let him talk this long, but after all, they might not be all that bright.

Suddenly a loud chuckle came from behind her followed by, "Well-said sire, and that would make three to three." It was Wolf, a scholar and musician she had the pleasure of meeting in the voyage.

He bowed his head as he approached and said, "Arbiter, good evening. It is an honor to see you again."

She gave a slight bow in return and as Wolf turned to talk to the thugs his words were drowned out by her shock at what she saw past his shoulder. Coming down the stairs was a sailor-type carrying her trunk on his shoulder. Before she knew it, she was across the bar in front of the man and opening it as it was still in his hands.

Inside were some delicate garments. She lifted a fold of cloth, revealing a fine leather scabbard underneath. She lifted the blade and removed it from it’s sheath, analyzing it with a smile. It was indeed her silvered blade, inscribed with the symbol of the five pillars and anti-magic runes.


“How fortunate.”, she said and gave the man a good peck on the mouth, then she turned back to the table, leaving him bewildered with the open trunk.

Voah stood over the table with her sword leaning against her shoulder, the silver gleaming the warm lantern light like a mirror. She looked directly at Wim Riese. “You’re my lucky star.”

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