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View character profile for: Islana Annora
At The Shrine
The Friar smiled kindly to the young woman. "My doors, as those of Kupen, are always open to those in need." He looked around the small crowd that attended the Shrine this afternoon and beckoned Islana to sit with him in a secluded area of the small temple.
Islana politely nodded to the man. He did seem friendly enough so maybe this would not be that bad. The woman took a seat and noticed it seemed quieter here than closer to the crowd. She had the thought last night to separate the drawings into two pieces, one of each. She pulled out the drawing of the carvings found on the tree but left the soul catcher in her pack, at least for the moment.
Deciding to give her reasoning for the question but not too much information, right now, Islana started by saying, "I was sent to investigate something that occurred in the woods." She unrolled the drawing and passed it to him. "These were found carved into the trees. Would you know what they are?"
Friar Jassin looked at the drawing and frowned. As soon as he locked eyes on it he knew he had seen it before. Something about it evoked a dreary sensation.
"I..." He started flattering. "I believe I have seen this symbol before, yes. But for the life of me, I cannot recall where." He looked deeply into the sketch of the young woman.
"What is it you were sent to Investigate?"
"A man was found ranting about how the trees were speaking to him. When we investigated the area he had been in there was a ditch with at least 3 or 4 bodies in it. Near the area, those carvings were on the trees with strange sap coming out of the trees." Islana pulled out the other drawing, the one of the soul catcher, and handed it to the Friar to look at. "These were found high up in the trees, in the same area."
The Friar looked at the other drawing and shook his head. " Those I have never seen before..." He said but his eyes kept getting drawn to the strange rune. "Dead bodies you say? Citizens or natives?"
"One of the guards investigated the bodies closer than I. He said two of the bodies were natives and the rest were citizens." Islana responded.
"Terrible. Just terrible." He sighed. "The first year here we had so many dead during the Winter. So many that went missing too..." He seemed to be lost in thought for a few seconds before turning his gaze at you. "But you are not a guard are you? Why are you investigating this matter?"
"No, I am not a guard but I was sent with one of the guards and a soldier to investigate the area," Islana took a breath. "I want to take my findings to the guard. I fear we do not know how many more might be in danger."
Friar Jassin looked at the image of Kupen at the centre of the shrine. "Everywhere men go, death follows. I had hoped this new land would bring once a chance to not make the same old mistakes. To change some of our ways." The man sighed. "Come join me for supper tonight at the Rectory. We will look through some of my tomes for that symbol..." He offered with a smile.
Islana did not feel so nervous when speaking with the Friar. Not completely at ease as he was still a new element but more so than she first arrived.
"I will join you. Thank you." She responded to his offer.