
Timestamp: Sentinel Island Camp - Past midday

Nicolaus and Till - The sailor returns to camp as you are finishing your experiments, he seems ill at ease around you, but that is nothing new to you. For most people, science is just as obscure as Magik. As he is coming up the trail, you notice one of the peculiar dust devils you observed last night, a few metres behind him as if chasing the sailor. You watch on in fascination as it appears to gain on Till just as he enters the perimeter of your camp, the line of salt left around it by the Arbiter. As the dust devil reaches the line of salt there is a small popping and crackling sound, which sends Till flying face down to floor, scared by the sudden noise, behind him.

As you both turn looking at the peculiar dust devil hovering at the edge of you camp a figure appears to emerge from it. A man, with dark skin, with a red hat and a pipe. He grins at you both, his yellos eyes glistening.,dpr_auto,f_auto,t_base_params,w_820/v1606570478/content-items/006/329/312/IMG_9871-original.JPG?1606570478

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