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View character profile for: Till

View character profile for: Voah Sahnsuur

View character profile for: Alexis Greyriver

View character profile for: Tarmen Frespit

View character profile for: Hunter

View character profile for: Nicolaus Cagliostro
Just Chilling
Posted byPosted: Feb 11, 2022, 10:24pm
Time stamp: Sentinel Island Camp
Day 1
As Hunter sat perched up on a large tree branch he kept a serene and calm mind as he was relaxed. To ease his hunger he nibbled on bits of dried meat, vegetables and fruit while slowly chewing. Fear was something he was all to familiar with, however he was rarely on the receiving end of it. Despite his training to remove his emotions he hid the fact that he felt fear in his youth since it gave him an edge and increased his survival skills. The main difference was that he did not let his fear control him unlike his victims who practically wet themselves with fear as he hunted them down.
As Hunter pondered the various scenarios he might encounter, he imagined how many natives he could kill with arrows on the run before he had to resort on throwing blades, blow gun darts and his swords. If he was the only one fighting he was doomed if he had to fight more than twenty natives, however as he calculated the skills of the others they could at best handle fifty natives. So any more than that they would have to use more under handed tactics, and this is where the traps came in. Between himself and Tarmen's traps on top of their skills they had a good seventy percent chance of survival. Even assuming the natives could use magic, it would take time to cast their magic and Hunter could put an arrow into their eye socket before they could speak their magical words. Unlike others he never hesitated to kill when he had to. Letting your emotions controlling you in a stressful situation was just giving your opponent time to kill you. However not everyone was able to stay cool on this mission.
Out of the corner of his eye he could see the restless holy woman trying to keep cool by reading, praying, exercising and meditating. Sadly none of them did the trick for her as she ended up pacing like a caged animal. It was obvious she was out of her element, even with her "God's Protection" and undying faith. So he let her be as he listened to the insects and wild life as he slowly chewed some dried fruit. Then the merc lady and the good doctor arrived after checking out the shipwreck. This seemed to help the holy woman relax as she needed someone to talk to. Hunter was curious what tales he would hear but he remained up on his branch like a predator cat.