Touch the Flame

Surathi Village - Sentinel Island

JP Omni and Lorem

Gonyaul wiped his face. It felt like a bit of a weight had been lifted from his heart by getting that out. Simultaneously he felt a twinge of embarrassment, not from the singing, but the mere fact that he had completely misunderstood what was asked of him. He bowed to all present in thanks for their listening and patience.

Gonyaul looked from Draza to the fire and then back. He didn’t move any closer to the fire. With an apologetic tone he replied, “My apologies, but I do not wish to get burned.” He signed and spoke his reluctance.

Draza chuckled, her attempt at humor having lost its edge. She softened her tone, though still firm. “Fear not, Vaux. 'Tis not to harm thee but to show thy true nature. Touch the flame, and let us see what thou art made of.”

Seeing Gonyaul’s hesitation, she added, “I must insist that you prove to us thou art not impervious to fire. Only then can we move on to what is truly sought.”

Gonyaul’s brow furrowed in a worrisome stare at the fire. It was like looking at the open mouth of a jagoon and someone assuring you that putting your hand in its maw would prove something. This was a horrible request.

Gonyaul hesitated. Moved closer to the fire with a resigned sigh. As he neared, it looked like the ground beneath his feet was slanting because he started to lean more and more backwards. Finally he was close enough to reach out his hand.

It was in and out with the speed of a serpents tongue. He winced the moment the flames licked his skin with pain. Gonyaul jumped back and shook his hand before bringing it defensively into his body to console it until the burning sensation subsided.

He looked to the others and Draza to see if they were satisfied, or if they wanted more than that.

As Gonyaul followed the request, Draza explained in Allosi to the others that the Vaux were vulnerable to the natural things of the world, as well as weapons shaped by man, but all things magikal should be repelled or diminished. She then gave instructions to Heegen and some of the others, and bid the whole group to follow and observe.

Draza stepped away from the flame to an open area, her presence commanding. As the group murmured, she raised her hand, signaling for silence.

The group laid down stacks of wood and reeds in a line and stepped back to watch. Heegen nodded and began chanting softly. The air around him crackled with an energy, a swirling vortex of wind forming before them. His hands moved gracefully as he condensed the air into a mote that sparked. He threw his hands forward and flames erupted in a cone, shaping the elemental forces along the wooden stacks into a towering wall of fire and air.

The wall roared to life, flames dancing and twisting skyward, taller than everyone. It radiated intense heat, causing everyone but Gonyaul to back away. The crowd watched in awe, then looked to Gonyaul, the light from the magikal wall casting eerie shadows over his face.

Draza's voice carried over the roar of the flames. "Step forward, Vaux, and again... touch the flame."

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