I Can Sing Too

Surathi Village - Sentinel Island

JP Omni and Lorem

The night breeze was cool and the moonlight cooler. The ocean lapped hungrily at the shores of Zar'tir, soothing sounds coming to ear with each stroke and again with each retraction. Stars twinkled in the velvet sky above as Gonyaul sat with several other Surathi villagers near a fire on the beach. Draza spoke in Allosi to one of the others, while Gonyaul sat and listened to them as they shared food, and drink, and story.

"Echela vuum?" one of them asked, gesturing a hand toward Gonyaul.

Draza, chewing on a piece of fruit, let out a breath as she looked for a moment in contemplation. She nodded finally, and made a sound as if she had made a decision. "Arise, Vaux," said Draza as she stood up and wiped her hands off. "Tis time to demonstrate what more you can do," she smiled.

Gonyaul’vaux hugged his knees to his chest as he sat closer to the fire for warmth. He had not adapted to the cooler sea breeze temperatures like his present company and thus took full advantage of its dancing warmth. His belly was full and his eyes were filled with starlight, making this night a most pleasant experience.

In fact he was partially drifting off into a meditative like state. His breathing moving in and out with the sounds of the surf, the ebb and flow of the breeze, the crackle pop of the fire, and the starts and stops of the conversations; mostly in words he didn’t understand still. The whole experience registered like music to him, different melodies weaving together to make the sounds of life. It was a tune that brought a smile to his face and a peace to his heart.

His rest was intercepted though by the unmistakable voice of Draza. Arise, she said. Demonstrate what more he could do, she decreed. Gonyaul considered her words and wondered what next performance did they want to see. He noticed not a dancing stick or wheel present.
Therefore, he stood and took a deep inhale with his diaphragm, filling his lungs with salty sea air for support. The vaux complied with her request and showed them what more he could do.

Gonyaul sang.

His voice was lovely, tenor in range and rich in tone. His pitch was perfect and hauntingly captivating. The vauxian words coming out of his mouth seemed effortless and seamlessly mixed into the air that carried the sounds to the ears of those present. Gonyaul was singing a song of remembering, it’s melancholy meter slow and sustained, which gave ample room for contemplation; whether it be external or internal. It was filled with emotion, his own eyes were giving birth to a tears as he too remembered.

The Surathi villagers sat taken aback as they listened, the beauty of his song transcending the language barrier. The melody and Gonyaul’s heartfelt performance was unexpected, especially by Draza, who meant only for him to stand.

When the song ended, Draza nodded appreciatively, quite impressed, but she couldn't help but laugh and look around at the others who beheld the performance. “A fine gift, Vaux." She laughed. "...yet I had another thought in mind.” She gestured toward the fire. “Step forward and touch the flame.”

< Prev : Conferring Next > : Touch the Flame