Round 2

JP with Omni and Lorem

Macaidon nodded with a playful smirk and stepped forward, extending a hand to help him up, displaying a moment of good sportsmanship. Gonyaul accepted the hand and was pulled to his feet, brushing off the sand with a grateful nod.

They stepped back, allowing each other to get repositioned for the sparring match. Still fueled by his latest success, Machaidon resumed his offensive. He launched another series of rapid punches, his eyes locked onto Gonyaul's every movement. Gonyaul weaved around him, his body moving with an almost ethereal grace. He twisted and turned, narrowly avoiding each strike, his feet barely seemed to be touching the ground as he spun and rolled out of harm's way.

Macaidon's attacks grew more desperate. He lashed out with another spinning backfist, which Gonyaul ducked under, followed with a swift, fluid backflip that took him out of range. Macaidon followed with a series of rapid kicks, each one aimed at different parts of Gonyaul's body. Gonyaul deflected the kicks with his forearms, his body moving like water around a stone.

The crowd watched in awe as Gonyaul's movements became more acrobatic. He leapt onto a nearby flat rock, using it to launch himself over Macaidon's head, landing gracefully behind him in a crouch. He rolled and spun, using every ounce of his agility to stay one step ahead of his powerful opponent, though this type of movement was tiring, and he knew it would grow increasingly harder to keep up this level of intensity.

Macaidon's frustration mounted with every failed strike. His muscles bulged with effort, his breath coming in ragged hefts. He swung wildly, a powerful haymaker aimed at Gonyaul's head. Gonyaul bent backward at the waist, the punch whistling past his nose and he smacked it out of the way with a bit more force than he intended, pushing Machaidon sideways.

Gonyaul used the momentum to roll backward and spring to his feet. Annoyed and realizing he was being outmaneuvered, Macaidon shifted tactics. He lunged forward, grabbing a handful of sand from the ground and flung it at Gonyaul's face. Gonyaul instinctively closed his eyes and twisted away, but the brief distraction gave Macaidon the opening he needed. He closed the distance with a roar, ramming Gonyaul with a shoulder and sending him back into the crowd of onlookers who caught him. Machaidon kicked some sand in his direction and spat to the side.

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