Here we fall...


Dawn: The Mercenary
Ragnar, a hardened mercenary, stretched as the first light of dawn peeked over the horizon. The air was crisp, and he felt invigorated by the prospect of the coming battle. He tightened the straps on his leather armour, his fingers dancing over the various scars that crisscrossed his body.

"This is what I live for," he murmured to himself, a grin spreading across his face. He had travelled far and wide, fighting for gold and glory. The promise of a siege, of a battle where the odds were against him, filled him with an electric thrill.

He looked out over the city, imagining the chaos and the clashing of swords. "Let them come. I'll show them what a true warrior is."

Mid morning: The Blacksmith's Apprentice
Lorin, the blacksmith's apprentice, hammered away at a red-hot piece of metal. Sparks flew, illuminating his sweat-drenched face. The clang of metal on metal was usually a comforting sound, but today it seemed ominous, a reminder of the battle to come.

He wiped his brow with a sooty rag and glanced at Master Kane, who was overseeing the production of weapons and armour. The city guard had requested more swords, more shields, more everything. The forge had been running non-stop for days.

"Think we'll make it, Master?" Lorin asked, his voice tinged with youthful hope.

Kane grunted, not taking his eyes off the glowing metal. "Depends on how hard we fight. We've got the walls, we've got the will. But their numbers…"

Lorin's heart sank. He had come to Ostiarium to learn a trade, to build a future. Now, it seemed, he would be fighting for his life instead. He took a deep breath and steadied himself. "I'll do my part. For the city."

Noon: The Tavern Keeper
Gerda, the boisterous tavern keeper, stood behind her bar, wiping down the counter. The tension in the city had brought more patrons into her establishment, soldiers and civilians alike seeking one last drink before the fight. She thrived in the lively atmosphere, her laughter echoing through the tavern.

"Let them come," she thought, her eyes sparkling with determination. "We built this city with our own hands, and we'll defend it with our lives."

She poured another round of ale, raising her mug in a toast to the gathered crowd. "To Ostiarium! To victory!" The patrons cheered, their spirits lifted by her unwavering confidence.

Evening: The Guard
Elaine, a member of the city guard, stood atop the battlements, her eyes scanning the horizon. The sun was setting, casting a fiery glow over the landscape. The horde was out there, just beyond sight, coming from the desert and mountains.

She tightened her grip on her spear, her knuckles white. She had joined the guard to protect the people, to uphold the law. But she had never imagined facing a siege like this.

"Is it worth it?" she wondered aloud, her voice lost in the evening breeze. "Coming here, trying to build a new life in this wild land?"

The faces of her fellow guards, weary but resolute, gave her some comfort. They were all in this together, and they would fight to the last breath. For their homes, for their families, for the hope that one day, Ostiarium would be more than just a colony, but the greatses city in Arcadia.

Midnight: The Hunter
Elara, a scout and hunter, moved silently through the shadows of the forest, her keen eyes scanning the perimeter of the city. She had always loved the thrill of the hunt, the rush of adrenaline that came with danger. The impending siege was no different.

"This is where I belong," she whispered to herself, a fierce grin spreading across her face. "In the thick of it, with everything on the line."

She relished the opportunity to outwit and outmanoeuvre these savages, to use her skills to protect her home. The challenge excited her, and she looked forward to proving herself in the coming conflict. "Let them come. We'll be ready."

< Prev : Why Would Anything Be Easy? Next > : Round 2