Just A Friendly Match…

Zar’Tir - Sentinel Island
JP with Lorem and Omni

Draza, observing Gonyaul's hesitation, stepped over and spoke quietly, her eyes narrowing slightly. "Vaux, I have seen your capabilities at NOT fighting. You excel at it. This is a test of your skill and strength. This is not about desire, but necessity."

Ylja, sensing Gonyaul's discomfort, approached him gently. "Thou needst not worry, Gonyaul. 'Tis a friendly match, to understand each other's abilities. Show them what thou art capable of."

Macaidon, still smirking, crossed his arms and looked at Gonyaul with a mix of amusement and impatience. "Art thou afraid, Vaux? Just say so," he taunted, his tone dripping with condescension.

The villagers murmured among themselves, some nodding in agreement with Draza and Ylja, while others looked on with skepticism.


Gonyaul didn’t looked convinced by Draza’s and Ylja’s clarification. He would sneak a peek around them at Macaidon, while they were talking, and was half inclined to volunteer them to fight first if it was all in good fun. Considering such a response disrespectful to his captors, especially since they had increased in hospitality, he held his tongue on the matter. It was now obvious this was going to happen whether he liked it or not.

He whispered rhetorically back at them, “Perhaps you should remind him it is a friendly match, because that is not what his eyes are saying.” He knew when a person wished to do harm, to prove that they were superior at all costs, and Macaidon gave Gonyaul the impression he wanted to make an example of some sort during the fight.

Gonyaul relaxed his resistant gesture down to his sides in defeat of their request nonetheless. “Very well” he sighed. “But this is not the way of the Vaux, but I will defer to your authority in this matter.” Gonyaul remained hidden behind them until they left him. It was now he and Macaidon, unobstructed, save the taunting jabs filling the space between them.

Gonyaul looked apprehensive and hesitant on his face, but physically relaxed. “Yes I am afraid.” He humbly acknowledged. “It is foolish not to be afraid for the well being of yourself and your opponent, since fighting can so easily steal it away.” Despite his beauty and youth, he suddenly spoke with the authority of an old sage.

Gonyaul took a Vauxian martial arts defensive stance and patiently waited. “Guard your heart Macaidon, lest you harm it yourself … regardless of the outcome.”

Clearly unimpressed, Macaidon sneered at Gonyaul's words. "Philosophize all you want, Vaux. Little will it help you against the ancient one," he retorted, stepping forward with a confident stride. He took the reed out of his mouth and flicked it to the side, readying himself for the bout.

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