Training Grounds

Zar’Tir - Sentinel Island
JP with Lorem and Omni

Later that day, after Gonyaul had rested and eaten, it was time for the sparring session. Ylja led him to the training ground, a clear area along the beach beneath a large arched, stone overhang that offered shade from the sun. The sound of waves crashing against the shore provided a rhythmic backdrop to the clatter of weapons and the murmurs of the gathered Surathi villagers, who had come to watch.

The ground was firm and packed with sand and small stones, creating a solid surface perfect for combat. The overhang loomed above, its rough, weathered surface adorned with moss and small vines. The shade it provided was a welcome respite from the heat. The Surathi villagers had gathered to watch, curious about the Vaux's abilities and eager to see him in action.

Draza moved to the center of the training ground, her stance relaxed yet ready for combat. Her keen eyes scanned the assembled crowd, finally settling on Gonyaul as he approached. Beside her stood a man with a smug expression chewinf on a reed. It was the same man that tripped Gonyaul in the sand the previous day and he was clearly relishing the opportunity to test the Vaux.

Ylja, who had full support of Gonyaul, stepped forward and introduced the man. "That be Macaidon. He shall be one of thine opponents today," she said, her tone serious.

Draza called out to Gonyaul, her voice carrying authority. "Come forward, Vaux. Today, thou shalt show us what skills thou possesseth. We will see how well thou can defend thyself when thou is willing."

Macaidon stepped forward, a confident smirk on his face. “Come Vaux,” he taunted, cracking his knuckles in anticipation.

The villagers watched with a breath, keen to witness the clash between the outsider and one of their own. The air was thick with tension.

Gonyaul had been given ample food, water and rest just to be led to the slaughter it appeared. He had taken the time to clean himself up and also braid his hair into an intricate design that made him look even more like a sight becoming of the nurturing arts and nothing presentable for combat.

His entire physique, appearance and demeanor made him look out of place. In comparison to his chosen opponent, he would have received no bets in his favor. From a distance, one might question why a young girl was in a fighting arena with a hardened grown man; if you didn’t know what was taking place. Gonyaul felt awkward and vulnerable, and he was certain there must be some misunderstanding.

When taunted by his opponent, Gonyaul put up a hand that signaled please wait. He then signed as he spoke to Ylja, the closest to him presently. “I do not understand? I have no desire or reason to fight Macaidon.”

Contrary to their assumption, Gonyaul wasn’t willing to go along with this. In addition, he had nothing to prove to the eager spectators. His expression was a mixture of embarrassment and confusion about the situation and the amount of people there gawking at the hopes of a conflict. Everyone looked so welcoming for a fight, that he was a tad guilty he had to let them know he wasn’t there to do so.

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