
JP with mdman and Cindy

About thirty minutes after the meeting ended, Amastan returned to help Sister Locust get ready.

The robes chosen were green and blue silk, sewn together with camels hair. Gold trim accented the outfit. It was quite beautiful and one of the nicer robes Islana had brought with her. Yet, it wasn't overstated.

One the robes were one, Amastan helped braid Islana’s hair, green and gold ribbons woven through it.

One last touch, a crown of green and blue flowers woven together, placed on the head of the bride to be. "I had picked these earlier today," Amastan explained. "They seem to grown randomly here so I was able to get enough."

"Thank you," Islana said, "It is very beautiful."

While Islana was excited, nervous and all those emotions that one goes through before becoming the forever partner of one they love, she was remaining calm on the outside.

The crown of white flowers made for a beautiful contrast against the woven dark hair. Her long flowing red and white robes, made especially for this occasion felt cool and soft against her skin.

Hands bounded together. A kiss, a cheer, the cries of a baby. A mother's tears. A step on a journey.

"Sister," Amastan's voice brought Islana back from the disjointed memory. "I believe they are almost ready for us”

Ch’Trita discarded the huge heron feathers that Uctilo’rhu had left behind after a sacrifice to the god. He also placed the belt of power identifying himself has a shaman. Perhaps the Twins would see fit to give him visions as the spirits had. A shaman was the only thing Ch’Truta could see himself being, besides Islana’s security.

He cleaned himself, then rubbed spruce needles over his body to produce a good body scent. He thought the smell earthy, manly.

He did have a more formal robe, given to him when he had first become an advisor to Sister Locust. He never found an occasion to wear it. Now, it was most appropriate.

Dressed for a ritual ceremony, Ch’Truta returned to Islana’s tent. He was anxious, but not nervous. He was never more sure of anything else in his life. Islana would be his mate for life. He breathed easily, knowing this.

Aguzul was outside, setting up what seemed like a small alter of sorts. On the alter was a cloth half blue, half brown with silver trim down the middle. On the trim embroidered symbols. Water, sand and fire in the middle between two which lay in the middle of the table.

Each side held an empty bowl. Off to one side was a small jar of sand. In the middle was the hair ribbons which have been braided together. A few blue and green flower petals were strewn on top of the cloth.

The Skelep knew something important was about to happen and had moved closer, watching what was going on.

Izdärasen approached, "Blessings to Sister Locust and, you, Ch’Truta." The Sister had asked he be invited, because he was also one of the trusted advisors, but she really hadn't expected him to show up. He carried with him a metal chalice and a bottle of wine. He put the chalice and wine on the altar.

Ch’Truta was surprised to see Izdarasen. It did make sense, since he was a member of the council. He would need to know about the bonding.

“Thank you, Izdarasen,” Ch’Truta responded.

So, this is what bonding feels like. The entire future lay ahead of Ch’Truta and Islana. Hopefully, a long future together. One where they grew old together in each other’s arms, enjoying their oneness. This is where nature refutes the laws of any mathematical logic. One plus one equals one in this instance. Truly, they had already bonded. This was the proof or certification of that bonding.

He looked down upon the items on the altar. Ch’Truta thought the ribbons would look beautiful in her hair. The petals reminded him of Islana’s soft skin. The essence of her scent. The elements, the sand, water, and fire. Ch’Truta saw Islana as fire. As the fire had the ability to change to other two, turn the water into vapor and the course sand into smooth glass, so Islana had changed him. His change had progressed from a fate of death to an outlook of life.

He slowed his breathing as he meditated upon these things. He was not familiar with their bonding ritual, so was trying to figure them out.

Amastan stepped out from the tent, and opened the tent flap. First Kaithak flew out, perching himself in a near by tree. Then Amastan opened the flap a little wider, and Islana emerged.

The redhead beamed upon seeing Ch’Truta, he always looked handsome to Islana but the look in his dressier robes, was special. She stopped just outside the tent. Amastan moved slightly behind, and to the side of the Sister, and the two walked together to the alter.

Amastan took a place to the side of the altar, Izdärasen took the other side, while Aguzul remained in the middle.

Islana stood beside Ch’Truta, and smiled at him. She wasn't nervous to marry him, that felt completely right yet despite giving speeches to thousands, there were the slight muttering of butterflies in her stomach. Mostly, because right now, in this place these were the people closest to her, and this meant so much.

Amastan smiled at the couple, "Shall we begin?”

When Islana walked out, she was glorious. Ch’Truta had always thought she was beautiful, even before he had realized his love for her. Islana’s red hair cascaded down her back in intricate braids, adorned with delicate green and gold ribbons that matched the green in her silk robe. The emerald hue of her eyes sparkled with nervous excitement. The silken robe fit her as a second skin. The crown complimented her, as she was royalty to him. Ch’Truta beheld his chosen one as she stood at the threshold of her tent. He beheld her and knew he would remember this night for the rest of his life. It seemed the each time he saw her, he was awed even more by her beauty.

Ch’Truta’s eyes met hers, causing him weakness in the knees. It was humbling to be her love. He smiled at her; it was a promise of forever. Extending a hand to his beloved, he awaited for her to take her place by his side.

Islana stood by Ch’Truta hand in hand and nodded, "Yes, we are ready."

The three advisors, other than Ch’Truta, bowed to the Sister. Amastan then began. "We ask for blessings from the Twins. May Viher grant that your tracks in the sand ever be together."

Amastan poured some of the sand into the small bowl on her side, and using her hands brought a slight wind forth, allowing the sands to dance around for a moment before returning the grains back to the bowl.

"Like these grains of sands, may you always dance together." Amastan continued, before moving the other still empty bowl towards himself. "We ask that Yther grant you both the fertility and new beginnings that come with the ..."

The time was slipping from late night to early morning. She arose, her body sore and bruised from the fight last night. The brute of a man, she had wedded laying next to her.

She was done with him. It was time. The plant grown in these parts, made for a beautiful display drying on the rack. The woman pushed a dark colored strand of hair from her eyes, before reaching up to grab one of the dried plants. Beautiful but deadly." She quickly went to work making some tea and combining the deadly flower with the tea before letting it seep in the kettle.

The burly man mumbled in his sleep. He was lazy on top of being a brute, never waking before midmorning, most days not even going out for a hunt. Still, she managed to find some dried meat and went outside to gather some fruit for the morning meal.

The man was several seasons older than herself, she was barely old enough to have a husband. 52 seasons was all she had been on this earth. Someone younger should have been chosen for her, but this one was in need of a wife.

As she began to pick the fruit, she stopped suddenly looking out towards where the desert sands met the Oasis her Sept called home. The feeling tugged and pushed at her, but it didn't take much convincing as she took her steps towards the sands.

Islana falling to the ground had stopped the ceremony. She lay there twitching, her eyes then opened, the brilliant green and look of love gone. "No Sister becomes bound." They said. "She cannot fight us.”

When Islana began to fall, Ch’Truta thought she may have stumbled on something. He attempted to hold her up. Her body became near limp as she slipped through his hands.

He was worried Islana had suddenly became ill. Kneeling by her side, he was just about to ask her. That’s when he saw the eyes and heard the foreign voice.

Ch’Truta tightened his lips in anger. “We are already bound,!” Ch’Truta protested. “You cannot come between our love.”

He leaned in to whisper to Islana, “U’Tani! You must fight!”

Then to the sisters, “Why do you not trust her to serve you without your taking possession of her being?”

As if on instinct, the moment the Sister hit the ground, Aguzul, Amastan and Izdärasen surrounded her. It was late enough that most of the camp had retired to their tents for the evening, or at least weren't wandering around but even the occasional passerby would warrant such a response. The Leader can never look weak in the eyes of the Horde.

As the Sisters spoke, the three other advisors instantly pieced together what must have been happening when Islana had been in this condition in the past. They had each met Islana’s predecessor but a few years after she had become Sister Locust missing this part of it.

Of course, there were many rumors around that the new Sister did eventually get taken over by the others but it was difficult to say if that was true. Certainly, no one standing there at this very moment had ever witnessed such a thing. The one person who might know for certain, was Tamazzalt, and he was back at Gra'ask tending to the affairs of the city.

The Sister's themselves didn't respond to Ch'Truta, they just kept repeating. "The Sisters cannot be bound. She cannot fight us."

In a dark hole, one which swallows the soul leaving nothing left, was trapped the very essence of Islana. Kind, just Islana. However, part of that essence was the internal fighter. The one who's fights never seemed to be over. One who was fighting now. This time once the initial memory was over, she had just been thrown in here with nothing. No memories of the Sisters, no idea of what was happening outside. Was the ceremony going on without her? No, Ch’Truta would know it wasn't her. Islana knew with everything that he would know.

Islana was so tired of fighting them, but be damned if they would ruin tonight of all nights for her. A sound drifted to her in the quiet darkness, "U'Tani! You must fight." She began the struggle to return.

Ch’Truta recognized a glint of emerald in her eyes. It meant Islana was not out of the fight. It brought him hope.

“You discount one thing,” Ch’Truta said with a grin, “U’Tani is a free spirit. She is a fighter. She is very much her own person, which gives her the strength you need in Sister Locust. So, I suggest you back off and allow Islana to lead with her strength.”

Ch’Truta softly kissed Islana’s cheek. “I see you in there U’Tani. Do not give in; I love you!”

There was no gentle push from the deep chasm from which she had been; it was more like being shoved out by the wind of a maelstrom.

Islana fell limp for a moment, then slowly opened her eyes, looking deep into the eyes of her love. "Hamia, my love." It was clear from her expression and the brightness in her eye Islana had returned. She slowly sat up.

"Are you alright, Sister?" Aguzul's voice showed his concern as much as the faces of the others surrounding her.

"Yes," It was a lie, but would have to do for now. "I am alright.”

As much as Ch’Truta wished to officially be bound to Islana, he cared more for her well-being. She was weakened by the struggle; Ch’Truta thought it best for Islana to build strength. “You must rest, U’Tani,” he spoke softly, full of concern. “We know we are one. The ceremony can wait.”

"Yes, that is for the best." Islana said. "Please, help me to my tent Ch’Truta."

Her tent wasn't far, but she walked slowly towards it. Upon arriving at the flap, she held her hand up and Kaithak came to her. She kissed Ch’Truta gently. "I am sorry," softly speaking to the man. "I think I need to be alone for a while. Please, if you don't mind returning a little later.”

Ch’Truta sighed, not that she needed some solitude, but at his helplessness in her situation. Inwardly, he cursed the spirits, looking forward to their demise. If he were able to bring it about, he would.

There was something in the back of his mind, hidden deep within his cognizance that his brain seemed to try to bring forth. It was something forgotten. Something important that he could not recall. Could it be the lost vision? , he queried within his mind.

At this point, Ch’Truta trusted none, outside of Islana and her small circle. The Sisters, he loathed. The spirits of the swamp had led him here, but he had to renounce them. Ch’Truta wasn’t sure of what the result of that would be. Uctilo’rhu did not venture out of the swamp. The Twins? If he were to learn their ways, perhaps he should seek a healer or shaman of the Ozanine. They may be able to see what the Twins may want to reveal. Of course, Sister Locust may be the only source through which they care to work.

He peered lovingly into Islana’s heavenly eyes. Quietly, he gave her a simple nod. He would return later and hold her through the night.

< Prev : Plans of The Evening Next > : Like Falling Leaves…