Gearing Up

JP with Lucian, Omni and Bandorchu

As they approached the armory within the Keep's grounds, the familiar sounds of clanging metal and the sharp scent of oil and leather filled the air. Stepping inside, they were met with the sight of various types of weapons and armor neatly organized, ready for the upcoming conflict. It was a bustling hub of activity, with blacksmiths and armorers working tirelessly to ensure the soldiers and guards were well-equipped.

To their surprise, Alexis recognized a robust man with a powerful build and an old friendly face, Master Kane Othenguard. He was currently engrossed in his work and as he raised his head to look at the newcomers, his face lit up with recognition.

"Well, if it isn't Alexis Greyriver!" Kane's deep voice boomed with a mix of surprise and pleasure. He put down his tools and wiped his hands on a rag. "Good to see you, lass."

His eyes sparkled with genuine interest and warmth as he approached them, extending a hand in greeting.

“Master Othenguard! So good to see you, too.”

Alexis expression softened with a genuine smile as she took the offered hand with a firm shake.

“Though I should not be surprised they called you in. They would have been idiots not to.”

She went on to introduce Tarmen.

“Tarmen, this is Kane Othenguard, a master of his craft. Master Othenguard, this is my good friend Tarmen Frespit.”

Respecting the strength behind the offered hand that grasped his, Tarmen gave a polite nod.

"Glad to know someone competent is supplyin' us then. The weapons I remember from here couldn't scratch your back let alone kill."

“Appreciate the kind words Master Frespit, but between you and me… I’m not necessarily here by choice. Not that I wouldn’t be when it came down to it… but before I had the chance to offer, I got myself conscripted by the Lord Commander. Need every capable hand they can get to prepare for what’s coming.” He gave a little sigh.

As Alexis and Tarmen inspected the various pieces of armor and weapons, Kane’s expression turned more solemn. He took a deep breath before speaking, his voice tinged with concern and a hint of sadness. “You know, Alexis, I’ve been wondering about Gonyaul. When I fell sick for a time, I had to put everything on hold. By the time I got back on my feet, he just sort of vanished. Hadn’t heard a peep from him since he came asking about folks disappearing. So I assumed he either disappeared into the wilds of Arcadia himself or got himself caught up in something nasty in the city.”

Alexis had to close her eyes and take a breath of her own.

Unfortunately, sharing the full fucked up truth of it was… not going to help.

“Yes.” She finally softly agreed.
“I wish we could… just go out and try to find him. But with a whole fucking army marching on Ostiarium…”

She shook her head, saying it loud just another slap to the face reminding her how trapped they really were in this situation.

Kane nodded, “Was afraid something might happen to the lad. He was a different sort. This world wasn’t made for the likes of him, if you take my meaning. You know… I saved the Grey Suit for you. Thought you might come back for it eventually.“

Alexis frowned in surprise.

“What? Kane, you knew it was going to be a long time until I could afford that after the fallout with the Creed.”

Her savings back then had to be redirected towards building the lodge, and she had let him know, of course. While she had not quite given up on the armor pet project at the time, she had assumed she would be commissioning a new set. She would have never asked the blacksmith to reserve the suit any longer, have good and well earned money catch dust in his storage.

“As you might guess, I can’t afford it now, either.”

She wasn’t quite sure what worth money still had in this clusterfuck, but if it still was any to speak of, Kane ought to get that set sold.

Kane sighed, his gaze shifting to the Grey Suit. “The truth is, our friend Gonyaul left a deposit for it with my assistant one day. I caught the man trying to pocket the coin, nearly taking it for himself. I had to squeeze the description of Gonyaul out of him and what the coin was for. Needless to say, he no longer worked for me after that. Hoi's cheeks! I no longer work for me. Now... the Lord Commander is paying me handsomely for my work, and all my merchandise came along with me. Though I have to admit, with more quantity comes less quality, so these newest sets are not quite as nice nor unique.”

He paused, his voice softening as he looked at Alexis. “Anyway, I wouldn’t feel right keeping Gonyaul’s money. You won't owe me nothing. The lad wanted you to have that armor, so consider it a gift. I had other potential buyers come and go, and nobody else showed the same kind of interest nor returned with a deposit. With this war coming, I’d rather see it used by someone who knows how to put it to good use. That armor’s too good to sit and gather dust, and I'm sure it's certainly better on you than the average soldier who might not even appreciate its worth. Or by all means, if you see something else you want, or you need something customized for you... say the word, and it's yours.”

Alexis had to look to the ground for a moment to get a hold on her feelings. A part of her, strangely enough, was a bit mad at her overly generous friend for doing that behind her back, knowing full well she didn’t want him to.
It was a gift she had to fear she may never get to give back for, but how could she say no now?
Quite simple. She couldn’t. Seemed the imp would get his way in the end.

She looked back to Kane and reluctantly nodded, with a bittersweet smile.

“Who would have thought he could get so sneaky? Thank you, Kane. I’ll be take it, and I’ll treasure it, for both of you. I only wish I could repay you in any way.”

Either of them, really.

"Aye, sneaky lad indeed. With a big heart. I'll tell ya what you can do for me. Stay alive,” Kane replied with a small, wry smile. “Come back and see me. That's all I ask. Now then, let’s get you suited up.” He looked her over. "Yes, it should do. Don't think it'll need much tailoring, if at all.

< Prev : Off To The Armory Next > : An Odd Mirror