Off To The Armory

JP with Lucian, Omni and Bandorchu

Alexis and Tarmen were making their way behind the guard to the armory when they spotted Captain Carver moving swiftly and looking thoroughly harried from some recent scuffle. The faint acrid smell of smoke wafted with her, mingling with the usual city odors.

Alexis did a double take and called out.

“Captain. You alright? More arsonists?”

Damn, the Brotherhood was moving fast if that was the case.

Carver snorted. “Yeah, already at it again. Couple of Brotherhood fools trying to torch the apothecary. We were just setting up a patrol for that very building based on the info we squeezed out of the other you brought in last night. Lucky for us, some gaunt young fellow beat us to the punch. Familiar lad though I can’t quite place him… Short wavy blonde hair…”

Carver rubbed her chin trying to place the face that she had gotten a brief glimpse of.

Tarmen sucked in his breath, mostly at how close Voah was cutting it if this blonde haired “lad” was her, but able to play it off as agitation towards another attack. It was irritating.

“Any luck nabbin’ some of his friends?”

Carver sighed, “No dice. Our proactive citizen sent one of them to meet his maker using their own damned incendiary devices. Tried to give chase, but I ain’t as young as I used to be. One of the other guards chased him through half the city before he gave us the slip. If I ever find him, I’m buying him a drink… or recruiting him.” She laughed, shaking her head at the ridiculous situation. “As for the other Brother, he made it out into the streets. Couldn’t stop the crowd from overtaking him. They’re an agitated and rowdy lot now with what’s been happening and they’re fixing to string him up. Smells like a hog roast over there. Apothecary’s fine though. If the info was correct, and we think it is, the Purger’s the next target. Leastways the religious parts of town.”

Alexis kept her expression neutral, sharing Tarmen’s conclusion about the mysterious
‘gaunt young fellow’s’ identity.

“The Purger? Got their work cut out for them, then. Are you included in the protection or did he prefer to organise this himself with his flock?”

Carver gave a wry smile, the fatigue evident in her eyes. And she lowered her voice, "Aye. To an extent. I'm tasked mainly with keeping the streets clear and sniffing out any more of these fire-loving desert rats. Got patrols ‘round the Shrine and the Rectory. But that zealot Otho ain’t afraid of these would-be assassins and maybe he need not be with the way their plans are goin’. The man rarely leaves the Keep these days. Not much left of the Silent Flock. Most of their numbers were decimated against the Odsier magikers. But the rest of them buzz around him like flies on dung."

She adjusted the strap of her guard captain’s tabard, the movement sharp, as if shrugging off the irritation. "As for me, I was looking for Sir Zane, but he’s seeing to some private matter. So I’m off to the Lord Commander to give a quick update before we set up more patrols, make sure no one tries to light up anything else. Got to keep moving, keep ahead of these troublemakers. You two heading somewhere specific, or just enjoying the crisp smell of near-arson in the morning air?"

Tarmen smirked at Carver's blunt opinion of things, appreciating the contrast from the stone palace of secrets they found themselves in.

"Just off to the Armory, lookin' to stay ahead of the troublemaker's ourselves and possibly find a few more to question."

Carver nodded, "Armory's a good call. Gear up while you can get the good stuff.” She glanced towards the entrance to the main hall, her demeanor shifting back to business. "If you two dig up anything new, you know where to find me. And hey," she paused, her tone sincere and eyes piercing as she looked at both Alexis and Tarmen, "be careful. Seems this city's got more shadows than a forest at midnight, and not all of them play nice."

With a final nod and a firm pat on her sword hilt, Captain Carver turned and strode away.

The two caught up to the guard who had been leading them previously, “I’ve let them know to supply you with whatever you need.” Then the man took his leave.

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