After The Hunt

JP with mdman and Cindy

Ch’Truta found some vine to tie the blunt rocks around the blade on his spear. The hunt for smaller game was successful, bringing in several coneys and a few squirrels.

After cleaning the animals, Ch’Truta walked with his love back toward camp. He rejoiced and gave thanks to the gods of Arcadia for their success. He celebrated the life of each animal and the energy they would provide.

During this time, the bond grew with Islana. He looked forward to this bond growing with each new day. As they walked together with the packed meat, Ch’Truta expressed to Islana, “I have enjoyed this day with you.”

Islana had her own success in hunting the smaller game. While there seemed to be more of them then the deer, they were always quick and if started moving harder to his with an arrow. Islana though managed the two times when that happened.

She gave thanks for the animals, as always and thanked the Twins and Ch’Truta's spirits for blessings on the hunt. She also threw on a thanks for which ever deity controlled this particular land, she had ideas which one or ones but didn't know for certain. Islana left out the Pilllars.

"As I have with you." She replied. "I hope we are able to do this more in future." They were getting close to camp and appearances had to be put back up.

They dropped off their bounty with the supply officers. Other hunters, which had been a lot of spear hunts, with a few archers in there, were also dropping off their successes.

Those that had opted for more contributions via water. Fishing in both net and spears, were dropping off their catches.

While their were a few women hunters and fishermen, the majority had gone off to gather or stayed at camp. These were all women who were also willing to fight in the war, and Islana never even thought of turning them away. The gathering had done excellently as well.

The Horde was now resupplied enough for the next few days. Tomorrow they would leave out again.

Islana turned to Ch'Truta, "I will be headed to the lake this evening. Before then though, will you join me for dinner?”

“Of course, Sister Locust,” Ch’Truta solemnly answered Islana.

It would, after all be appropriate for her taster to be present at a meal. Although Ch’Truta yearned to be with her, to hold her in his arms, he acknowledged the properness they must display. Perhaps after the meal, they will have opportunity to be alone as at the lake where the heron showed the spirits’ approval.

“First, I must meet with a Red Crow healer,,” Ch’Truta explained, “to get her information and advice. Then I will join you for dinner.”

He gracefully bowed to her. “You are well protected.” He hadn’t explained to her the other broods providing security..

They had reached her pavilion. Islana’s eyes flashed a bright green and, what seemed like out of nowhere, Kaithak landed on her forearm.

She then greeted the Skelep with a venison steak she had kept for him. And gave Kaithak a smaller piece of meat.

The young leader then turned back to Ch'Truta. "Dinner will be in two hours. I look forward to seeing you then." With that she made her way into her tent.

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