Enemies Become Aligned

The morning after the renewed connection to the spirits, Ch’Truta’s conviction had returned. The warning of the vision, Ch’Trtuta didn’t know how to take. Was this a general warning? Was it meant for an individual? Islana?

Ch’Truta was resolved more than ever to ensure her well-being. During the march this day, whenever the advisors came to Sister Locust, Ch’Truta as before would fall back. These times he had a purpose in mind.

He searched the horde for people in familiar garb. Clothing just like his. There were many from the broods of the Great Swamp of Still Valley that had joined the mighty horde. They had been called forth as he had.

Seeing, B’Hura of the Katara Brood, Ch’Truta rode to him and dismounted. Leading M’Hana while walking next to B’Hura, Ch’Truta appeared deep in thought.

“In the swamp,” Ch’Truta began, “we have always been enemies. I have sacrificed many of your people to Uctilo’rhu.”

“As I have yours,” B’Hura disclosed.

“Yet,” Ch’Truta continued, “we and many of other broods have been called to join this cause. We must work together here.”

B’Hura paused his march and looked at Ch’Truta. Turning back and falling into the march again, he responded, “You speak truth, Ch’Truta. What do you suggest?”

“I have reason to believe Sister Locust may be in danger,” Ch’Truta quietly spoke. “If she is killed, our cause will likely cease.”

“You have heard from the spirits,” B’Hura acknowledged.

“Yes!” Ch’Truta confirmed. “I would like those of the broods to become a guard that will be in the shadows. Sister Locust has a guard. An enemy would not slip up near them. However, an unknown guard, they may.”

“You believe she has an enemy within the hoard?” the Katara man inquired.

“I know not,” Ch’Truta frustratingly expressed. He thought of the forked-tongue. “It may be someone she trusts. So, it could be someone within the horde. Find others of the broods. We will meet at my tent at the end of this day’s march.”

B’Hura nodded in agreement. With business done, Ch’Truta mounted the black stallion and rode of seeking more men from the swamp.

He walked with two more men that day: J’Kari of the D’Halla brood and D’Rokalla from the Sh’Kar. Both agreed to Ch’Truta’s thoughts.

After the march, Ch’Truta had thirty-five men and women who had come to the brood from the swamp. All agreed to guard Sister Locust from the shadows. She would be well protected throughout the campaign without others being aware.

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