The Lake - part 2

Jp with mdman and Cindy

He had discarded any outward clothing, revealing a torso hardened by life in the swamp. He laughed as she flew into the water. Ch’Truta felt much younger than his years, and he ran after her.

Catching her, he made sure they were out of sight, then he wrapped his arms around her, nearly falling into the water with her in tow. It was as if his heart melted when he held his beloved Islana. He slowly turned her to face him and looked into her soft face, a face that showed love, mercy, and grace. Then, he gazed into her eyes, remaining speechless. He just took in the moment of being alone with her.

The feel of his chest and his arms around her, made Islana want to stay in this embrace forever.

This was the kind of thing that Islana thought not possible, not so long ago. The two finding each other in the vastness of Arcadia was so unlikely but it had somehow happened.

She gave him a peck on the lips, which then grew longer. Until the kiss broke for need of air. Smiling at him, she asked, "Can you swim?”

The kiss, as it grew in intensity, stirred Ch’Truta deeply. Islana was awaking a passion deep within Ch’Truta that he before hadn’t felt.

He grinned at the question. Shaking his head in the negative, he answered, “I can hold my breath. Like riding, will you reach me?”

Although water in the swamp could be deep in some areas, there was not much use for swimming. One had to be alert for the creatures in that surrounding. If you decided to relax and take a swim, it was likely you’d find yourself in the jaws of a gator.

Islana nodded, "Absolutely." It wasn't just they'd be around water where they were going but to teach swimming required touching him, so, maybe there was a slight ulterior motive. She dove under the water, swam around him and popped back up. "First thing, do you know how to float?

Ch’Truta laughed from deep within his soul. “I can hold my breath,” he repeated, demonstrating with puffed cheeks to emphasize what he could do.

She nodded. "You'll need to learn that first." She laid flat in the water, head down, then head up, then stood back up. "You choose head in the water or out. Then push your feet off the ground, make your body flat in the water and you should float.”

Ch’Truta leaned backward. He lifted his feet off the lake bottom, kicking his feet upward. He took them too far, and his hips began to sink as he wasn’t balanced upon the water. As hips sank, Ch’Truta breathed in deeply, thinking his head would go under. But, his feet came back down as he caught himself.

“That is easier said than done,” Ch’Truta jested at himself.

Islana's siblings had taught her how to swim, but she had never taught anyone that skill.

She noticed him struggling and put her hands under him, touching his back just enough to keep him upright. She held him there for a few moments then let go, to see if he could remain floating on his own this time.

At first, Ch’truta felt like grasping for her as he felt himself falling. But as Ch’Truta felt her hands beneath him, lightly supporting him, until Ch’Truta relaxed. Her touch had as much to do with that as anything else.

“I see,” Ch’Truta spoke. “I only need to relax. You have a magic touch!”

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