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View character profile for: Islana Annora

View character profile for: Chatruta of the Chulla Brood
Islana and Ch’Truta - Part 2
JP with mdman and Cindy
Islana grinned slightly at the man. "Come with me, I have a surprise for you." Being intentionally not forthcoming with details.
Ch’Truta acknowledged her request, anxious to see this surprise. “As you wish, Sister.”
She lead him to the makeshift corral that the horses resided in. Amastan and Aguzul had taken theirs to scan the activities of the Horde. Izdärasen, who was older than the other two, wasn't that keen on riding a horse but would do his best. He was off attending to other things.
So, two horses were currently in coral. Izdärasen's horse, a chestnut colored stallion with a rather gentle personality and a black as midnight, strong, steadfast stallion.
The stead was quick, moved well and had a personality that Islana knew would fit Ch’Truta well. Not too headstrong, but not timid either.
"All of my advisors will be riding horses, as camels will not adapt well to where we are going. They have all learned to ride one, except you." The Sister pointed at the black steed, "This will be your horse. You can name it whatever you like, but horses do like to have names." She paused for a brief moment. "I am going to teach you how to ride it."
For a brief moment memories of teaching Gonyaul to ride came flooding back to her. It simultaneously made her want to laugh and hurt her heart a bit. Well, if she could teach Gonyaul on a horse that ended up having a bit of an attitude, Islana supposed she could teach anyone.
Ch’Truta looked upon the mighty stallion. The blackness reminded Ch’Truta of the dark nights of the swamp.
Ch’Truta quizzically looked a Islana. This was foreign to him. In the swamps, you walked where you were going.
“I am to ride?” he asked. He had never pictured himself upon a beast. “He is beautiful. A vision.” Ch’Truta turned to Islana, ensuring they were alone. “Much like you. His name shall be M’hanah, which means vision in my home tongue.”
Now came the hard part: learning to ride. “You can teach me?” he asked, not sure if it could happen.
Islana smiled at the compliment, "Thank you," Then repeated the horse's name, "M'hana, it's a perfect name."
"Yes, I have taught others. I taught my other advisors and others I've known in the past. I am certain I can teach you." The leader said with confidence. "Now, let me introduce the two of you."
She led the man into the corral and gently petted the stallion's neck. "Ch’Truta this is M'hana. M'hana this is Ch’Truta."
The stallion whinnyed and shook his head. Elizabeth smiled, "He seems to like his name." Then directed her words at Ch’Truta, "Do you want to pet him?”
With Ch’Truta spending his entire life until now in the swamp, he was taught to respect beasts. Beasts of the swamp would kill as a basic instinct.
Ch’Truta beheld M’hana. This beast was quite like no other Ch’Truta laid eyes upon.
He held out a hand, slowly at first, then encouraged by Islana, touched the neck, then slowly swept his hand downward. It was an experience he had never had. Touching an animal as a means to befriend and not in defense.
"I think you two will get along just fine," Islana smiled. "Now, a few things to know before we begin. You must always make sure the horse knows you're in charge but never be overly strict. More a firm loving guidance. Patience is important. You must never approach a horse from behind. They can't see back there and you could spook them. Eventually, it is possible that it won't be a problem between you and M'hana but that takes a long time for most people. Also, never go under a horse." She went over a few other things then asked the man, "Are you ready to start?”
Ch’Truta backed away and turned from M’hana. He would need to follow Islana’s lead and instructions.
“I will not offend M’hana,” Ch’Truta agreed. “What do I do?”