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View character profile for: Islana Annora

View character profile for: Chatruta of the Chulla Brood
Evenings End
JP with mdman and Cindy
Islana gave a nod to Ch’Truta. "I can only hope, but I of course, do not control the Twins."
As for Alcuin, "He seems to be able to survive a great deal. Hopefully, you will run into him, and rid the world of him." Islana said that almost no one but the bounty hunter was very dangerous.
Islana noticed Aguzul and Amastan arriving. "We have come to check on both of you." Amastan said, after they bowed to the Sister. "Ch’Truta glad to see you are looking much better.”
Ch’Truta was disappointed his time alone with Islana was coming to an end. He understood there were demands for Sister Locust’s presence. He was grateful for his audience with Islana. He had heard from her heart, which Ch’Truta took as promising. That would mean more times with her. Ch’Truta felt honored to have learned about the one he had come to love.
He realized he still held her hand. It was warm, as the stew, and just as fulfilling. Reluctantly, Ch’Truta released the hand and turned his attention to the arrivals.
“Aguzul and Amastan,” Ch’Truta acknowledged, “greetings! I am much better, thank you! I hope you are also well.”
"Greetings," Islana acknowledged her two advisors who had recently joined them.
Both Aguzul and Amastan said they were doing well.
It was getting late and Islana was getting tired from the long day. She was not exactly looking forward to sleep however, when the Sisters and their memories were the loudest. She also wasn't looking forward to leaving Ch'Truta even if he was fine now.
Islana turned back to Ch'Truta, "Please move your tent back near mine in the morning. The Horde is headed for the Winter Pasture in two days and I need my advisors near me before that happens." The young leader then gave him a gentle smile, "I am glad you are well now and that we were able to spend more time together."
Aguzul watched this interaction like a caring but concerned uncle might, not willing to overstep his bounds but there was something between Sister Locust and this man, while trusted, was still an outsider. No good would likely come from this, the Ozainae would never understand it.
Amastan was watching the interaction between Ch'Truta and Islana. As nice as it was, in the moment, it wasn't at all advisable. It was one thing to have the man from the swamps as an advisor. He seemed loyal and a good person to have on their side but anything more was tricky, in what already was a tricky situation. Still, one cannot tell Sister Locust what to do.
Islana was just taking everything in, she wasn't thinking about possible ramifications that might happen later. The Sister stood, and spoke to Ch'Truta. "I will see you in the morning. Good night." With that she left into the night, taking Aguzul, Amastan, Khaithak and her guards with her.
The sun was setting on the horizon but it was rising for Ch’Truta. It was too late to move his tent, as he would need to see. First thing in the morning, he would see to it.
Ch’Truta bowed to Islana. “Sister Locust,” he humbly intoned, not taking his eyes from hers, “it shall be as you request. May your rest bring you peace.”
Although Ch’Truta was feeling better, his body still needed rest. He was sure he’d get a deep sleep tonight. Tomorrow was a new day, a day where he would be by her side. He realized that this would be more of an advisory role; he saw it as a bodyguard. Ultimately, every moment he could spend near her, the better.