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View character profile for: Islana Annora

View character profile for: Chatruta of the Chulla Brood
Need Each Other
JP with mdman and Cindy
Ch’Truta’s hand clasped about Islana’s. It was a contrast to his rough hands. Hands that endured the swamp.
As his eyes focused more, he noticed her reddened eyes. Had she been crying for him? Ch’Truta had never experienced one crying for him.
“You’ve been crying?” he posed full of surprise.
"I..I.." It might have been the first time Ch'Truta saw her at a loss for words but what was happening right now was pure Islana. "Yes. I thought I lost you. Don't ever do that again." That was a ridiculous ask, she knew that people came close to death and died, especially in Arcadia, as it could be brutal here but she didn't want to think about it happening to him.
“You thought you had lost me?” Ch’Truta asked, puzzled that Islana would lack anything if he were not here. Maybe his mind was still hazy. “It is I who need you.”
He closed his eyes, wondering if he were dreaming. From a nightmare to a dream. That is what was happening.
"I need you as well. No one here seems to understand me the way you do." Islana took a breath and paused before confessing. "I care about you, and I trust you. There are very few people that I can say that about. I've lost so many of them, I can't lose you as well."
She needed him. Ch’Truta could not fathom this. He was humbled that she was here with him in this condition.
Thoughts went to the trance. “It didn’t work,” he confessed. “I no longer have contact with the spirits of the swamp. I do not have the proper supplies.” He had failed. He had failed her.
His words were beginning to run together. He felt weakness coming over him once more.
"It is alright. I am just glad you survived." Islana said. "Just let me help you drink more water and rest, we can talk when your feeling a little stronger." True to her word she helped him drink some water, then just waited for Ch'Truta to get some rest.
His eyes closed, Ch’Truta drifted off to sleep. Islana was near and he was at peace. His breathing calmed, his body relaxed, nothing would take him from her side.