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View character profile for: Gonyaul'vaux
First Impressions
Sentinel Island - Horse Bay
Gonyaul was prone to distraction thanks to a childlike curiosity and wonder for the world around him. So many times growing up he had been subjected to extra disciplinary exercises and meditations because distractions had led him to focus on other things. It was one reason he developed such interesting creativity and innovative solutions; however, also the reason he invited failure more frequently then his peers. In this instance, he should have initially been focused on the sword pointed threateningly in his direction; however, he was not. He was looking at the rocks with an innocent expression, much like a newborn seeing something new. Swords he had seen before, these rocks were a first.
Growing up in the trees of the jungle, rocks had been a fascinating new experience as he traveled throughout Helias and Arcadia. Some places seemed more rock than vegetation, and in the belly of the earth it was nothing but rock. Yet he was quick to notice that rocks, like trees, came in all forms and had stories to tell. He wondered what these large rocks, circumventing his position in the middle, were? What was their story? Were they manmade? Nature made? How old were they? Did the carvings have significance? His mind was flooded with questions that just led to more questions.
In addition, the architecture immediately spoke to him about function over form. It was a far cry from the harmonious combination of function and form that characterized Vauxian architecture. It gave him a few clues into the lives and culture of those that had taken him. A lot can be learned from the 'things people make' about the 'people that make them'.
He wasn't cowering, though he was definitely in a submissive position on his knees. What good would suffering twice with anxiety be? In fact he wasn't moving at all save his eyes. In part, this was due to a trained response ingrained in him since birth to freeze in the face of potential peril; only moving when necessary. It was a defensive survival lesson taught by his elders, but also could be utilized offensively like the praying mantis or the carnivorous Needle Lash plant.
He was scared, his heart was still pounding in his ears and his adrenaline was coursing through his system. The other reason why he wasn't moving was his spatial awareness. Gonyaul knew it would do him no good to embrace the flight reflex. There were others on all sides, fleeing was not an option.
Gonyaul swallowed and his face slightly scrunched in disgust at the earthy metallic taste in his mouth, a by product of the unique form of travel. His long hair, like a beautiful silky blanket of night, fell freely and was being moved by the sea breeze. He was covered head to toe in sand, made instantly dry from the relocation. With any slight quiver, or the combined efforts of gravity and wind, the sand was randomly falling and sprinkling the ground all around where he knelt.
As he took in a breath trying to calm himself, he was reminded that his chest hurt. It caused him to enjoy experiencing the salty air caressing his sense of smell less than he would have liked. He made a mental note that it was a different smell from the beach where they first encountered the stranger. It made him realize he was indeed somewhere else. Somewhere even more saturated by the sights, sounds and smells of the open sea.
He wanted to turn his head to take in more details and gather more information; however, before he had a chance the woman with the sword spoke to him.
"I wast expecting m're of a square, Vauxian. Thee didn't seemeth to knoweth thee arse from thy elbow backeth th're on the beach..." She grinned.
He had to replay her words over and over in his mind. It gave him an appearance of thoughtfulness; however, truly he was trying to translate her broken Helian words through her unique accent. He was curious why she didn't speak in Vauxian. She had done so before, very well he might add. Did the woman know his tongue, or just a few words? He was sure she spoke it based on her demeanor and command of the syllables and pitch from earlier. That meant, she probably heard him on the beach when he was trying to get them to stop fighting with his pleas and she ignored it. There was only one way to find out.
Gonyaul gracefully ignored her taunting insult, though he did make an initial judgement on the type of person he was dealing with in how she chose to start a conversation. Out of all the things she could have led with, that was her choice ... interesting, yet another clue in the wilderness of the unknown circumstance. Gonyaul looked her in the eye and genuinely smiled. It was the same smile others knew him for, one of welcome and kindness.
His hands raised slowly to start signing along with his Vauxian words. If he would have spoke Helian, it would have probably sounded foolish. Speaking in his own language, something he didn't get to do often with others, suddenly the foolish Gonyaul seemed much more wise; Vauxian struggled to translate identically to Helian in the best of cases.
"You were looking for a fight. You fought very well and accomplished your goal." He could tell by the pleased smug look on her face how proud she was of herself. Like a master in martial arts redirecting their opponents momentum, he took her insult and redirected it back at her in a positive manner. His words were truthful, he was genuinely giving her a compliment. Even if she was perhaps his enemy, give credit were credit is due.
"I was looking to not fight, and so I fought not well. I likewise succeeded in accomplishing my goal." Gonyaul replied with a hitch of labor in his tone from the tumbles she had put him through.
If Draza was the insecure type, she might take it the wrong way. That if he had wanted to actually fight with her, perhaps their current positions might be switched. He waited patiently, either she understood him or she didn't.