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View character profile for: Voah Sahnsuur

View character profile for: Alexis Greyriver

View character profile for: Tarmen Frespit

View character profile for: Gonyaul'vaux
On the Nature of Gods
Jp with Lorem, Omni, Bandorchu, and LucianNepreen
Tarmen couldn’t believe she was taking it seriously, instead of recognizing the sarcasm it had been dripping with.
“Of course I don’t think we could get that far. No other good option is presentin’ itself. We are trapped here like rats, surrounded by cats and each of us slowly goin’ mad of their own accord.”
He slumped back down again, looking away with a dismissive shake and a weary sigh.
“Whatever choice we make now, it can’t be anythin’ other than a death sentence. Gods, I really left home for this?”
Alexis said nothing. There was nothing to add, after all, even though the thought of dying soon had been a constant companion of hers as of late and had lost a lot of its dread along the way.
And she was just to stubborn to just lay down and wait for it.
No, she would take a minute to consider where to head next. The obelisks were as good as a destination as any, minuscule as her chances to actually reach them were. She still didn’t really know what to do with the hammer head, felt out of her depth about what the consequences of leaving it broken versus trying to recreate it where. Until she had any sort of grasp on that, she didn’t want it anywhere near the Brotherh-
Irritation showed on her face as the artefact seemed to stir in protest. Well, at least that blasted thing seemed to know what it wanted. Too bad for it, wasn’t it.
~Fuck you.~
She send the passionate message in her head, quite uncaring whether Fosia or whoever was haunting her was privy to her thoughts.
Gonyaul was irritated and trying to be patient. He still thought that if he had just gone to the temple, instead of getting talked out of it, none of this would have happened. And now they were batting around the idea. Of course, he completely missed Tarmen’s sarcasm and Voah’s desperation with the concept just now. He didn’t try and make sense of what they were saying. Having only caught the end he felt he would take anything out of context.
He finally spoke up, it sounded like he was talking more to himself than to anyone in the room, especially since it was in Vauxian. And knowing his present company speaking in his native tongue meant they wouldn’t understand; even if they did they wouldn’t get it anyway. Time and time again they did things their way, or gave into reacting in step with the world, and look at the results. His good cheer meter was misfiring presently, interrupted by the fever.
“Inan ag ustijnihs ed, inan ag kōedik, inan ag hsadatī ak, inan ag ediusnuj, inan ag hsukustuī ak, inan ag hsarabusī ak, inan ag eterugus uri ak, hsōnas in urusiata ak, onos yōan otok o eteagnak iasaduk.” His voice had a sticky rasp to it from the lack of hydration. The meter in his words sounded dragging and worn out instead of enthusiastic.
It didn’t make him smile like he had hoped upon hearing those words of wisdom so often recited in his youth.
Voah heard the Vauxian speech but only understood something about truth. She collected the waterskin and made her way back to him.
“What is it you want to say?”
Gonyaul paused to collect his scatters thoughts. He was trying to filter through a quagmire of emotions. What did he want to say?
He wasn’t going to repeat himself. No, they would just get mad, shame him, label him clueless and foolish as usual. It was more for him anyways then them. He frowned how he wasn’t even taking the good advice he had just given himself.
He looked to them all. He was fed up, though only those that really knew him could tell, since he seemed uncharacteristically expressionless.
“The gods are selfish cowards and no able to do anything without people. I do no see why give them any attention at all.” His tone was angry. And perhaps a hint of it was directed at them, as if to say ~scared of Vastad and Zin? Who couldn’t even come to Arcadia until humans opened the door and rolled out the carpet for them. Stop reacting in fear of them.~
After a short pause, Alexis chuckled a little.
“Well, he is not wrong, is he.”