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View character profile for: Voah Sahnsuur

View character profile for: Gonyaul'vaux

View character profile for: Shalia Nix
What is Wrong with Them
Gonyaul’s honed reflexes caused him to pull back slightly when he felt the presence of the arrow pierce through the man’s neck. He was successful in avoiding it; however, he was struck by the horror of the killing act. As he cradled the precious life lost in his arms, he looked over the quick to die man’s shoulder at the other two and yelled, this time in Vauxian, “What is wrong with you?!?”. He took one more glance at the arrow tip and thought to himself, ~ok, I get the point~.
While his fast reflexes caused him to avoid the arrow by pulling his head back, it caused him to put it in a position to get hit; whereas prior it was more shielded. The rock skipped off him and he instantly went with the motion and fell to the ground with the dead man on top. It hurt something fierce and he could feel the knot already forming as he blinked his eyes a few time to reorient himself. It was time to go, if he stayed he would have to kill these two evil doers.
He twisted underneath the dead body. Then he used his hands to wrap the man’s arms around his neck like a scarf and rose to his feet. Gonyaul began to run towards the available exit of the alley, not knowing he was heading for more trouble, wearing the dead man like a cape to shield against anymore projectiles from behind.
As he ran, he felt the hairs on his neck rise and meet the blood pouring down to drench them from the dead man’s wound. He also realized that he might not want to be seen running around in the open with a dead body on his back. He made a last second judgement as he saw the adjacent build’s wall look significantly compromised. He picked up speed, charged, and at the last second spun so the dead body slammed into the wall first with him behind. The structure gave way and the two of them busted through the wall into the same big building he had just parkour through on his attempted escape. If those long range waylayers wanted him they were going to have to come through the newly made hole, into the confining space.