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View character profile for: Sir Eudon Zane

View character profile for: Hunter
The Devil Inside
Posted byPosted: Jan 24, 2022, 11:06pm
After talking to Sir Zane, Hunter left back to the barracks to pack his gear for the trip. Since they were going to likely to enter combat he packed extra arrows. Then he visited the twins again to leave some money with them to help them while he was gone. They were not happy to see him leaving again as they held back their tears. Hunter could see they did care for him and not his meager money by their behavior. However his heart was not ready to love again, so he remained stoic as he made his way to the market to purchase his last minute personal supplies like spices and arrowheads. Shopping began to trigger his past memories so he paused as he was in deep thought.
As he shopped he kept having flashbacks of his past training. His first kill was when he was around ten years old and it was an older male bully who enjoyed tormenting the younger assassin students. The male bully who was also nameless eventually went to far as he took Hunter's human anatomy book that he was studying to keep him from getting stronger and smarter than himself. This was a common practice to pit the kids against each other to weed out the weak ones. So as the male bully taunted Hunter with his book he dropped his guard as Hunter looked behind him with a smirk. Believing that Hunter had a partner behind him the male bully turned to see who was behind him. Sadly it was too late as Hunter's wood pencil was jabbed into the bully's crotch three times to make the bully bend over in pain then Hunter jammed the pencil into the neck of the bully. The male bully cried in pain as he bled on the floor till he died before Hunter and the other students.
Hunter then collected his book and bloody pencil and went back to his studies as if nothing happened. This was a common event on a weekly basis and Hunter didn't think twice about killing anyone. Sometimes Hunter would torture some prisoners while the masters interrogated them for practice. this was how he used his lessons on body part removal. He remembered every one he killed despite it being a large number of victims over the years. Till now he never felt remorse for his actions. He would have gone his whole life feeling nothing if not for his first love who was a Duke's daughter that he was suppose to protect. Since meeting her he began to feel alive for the first time. Sadly his time with her was brief and now he was still coming to terms with regaining his humanity. Then he shook his head to clear his thoughts as he walked back to the barracks.
As he looked around at the city and the people going about their business, he sighed. He was tired of being a tool and wanted freedom, but he knew everything had a price in life. He wondered if he had the right to be happy after all the lives he took in his past. The twins obviously had feelings for him but he was still on the fence with his feelings. As he looked at the cost from a distance he wondered if he was going to have to kill any natives this time. Seeing as he needed to have his focus for the mission he decided to return to the barracks to meditate till it was bed time. He needed to be rested for his next mission.