Characters in this post

View character profile for: Sir Eudon Zane

View character profile for: Alexis Greyriver

View character profile for: Tarmen Frespit

View character profile for: Hunter
Road Trip!
Posted byPosted: Jan 24, 2022, 10:57pm
(JP with Winteroak, @Alexis, @Lucian & @Jaxx)
He paused to look at Alexis. "Greyriver. You are in charge. Tarmen will function as your second in command. Take whatever equipment you need." He paused again. "Questions?"
“Yeah. So for starters, what did he do to deserve to be eaten, sucked dry and or be burned to a crisp?”
Alexis flatly inquired pointing her thumb at Hunter.
Yep, orders from the knight just always were fantastic news, weren’t they?
The Knight ignored her. "The islanders are known to make incursions to the main land and kidnap Odsier. At least that is what some of the natives claim."
Hunter asked, “What is my mission?” He remained calm and stoic.
Sir Zane looked at Hunter considering what to tell him. "Your mission?" He looked around. "Do what your told. Use your skills for the success of the mission." He replied and waited to see if anyone had any further questions.
Alexis’ expression hardened at the blatant denial of her question.
“Anything special we are looking for, Sir? Or just general intel?”
Tarmen was about to throw out a similar question, stumbling in his words when Alexis got to them first.
“Would be nice to know if we are just hidin’ in the bushes or if this will be another ‘diplomacy’ mission.”
"General intel." He told her. " Find out what you can about them. Numbers, military capabilities, social structures if any. As much as you can."
Sir Zane looked at Tarmen with an expression that clearly read ~Yoiu talk too much.~
"No diplomacy. Recon. Anyway That thick skull couldn't handle any more diplomacy it seems." He grunted.
Hunter quietly listened as he observed everyone. He had been on missions like this before and it a crappy job. By seeing the responses he knew better than to ask anything else.
“How many are we?”
"You three and another 4. Maybe 5."
She nods.
“Party composition?”
"A couple of scouts," He said pointing at Tarmen and Hunter. "Who are clearly more that just that. A Chirurgeon, an experienced sailor. Boyce Blackwolf and the Arbiter in case the flesh eating, blood drinking demon part has any veracity to it."
Alexis’ eyebrows rose at that.
Celebrities on a suicide mission. What do you know.
“Time frame?”
"Maximum two weeks after landfall." He looked at the map again. "The Hogue can get you there in a couple of days..."
“As neither the Arbiter nor Boyce are military, are they going to act independently?”
"No. They follow your command." He looked Alexis in the eye. "Of course I trust you to defer to the Arbiter or at least listen to her advice if you encounter something within her unique area of expertise..." He suggested
The mercenary simply nodded. Anything else would be stupid.
Looking at both Tarmen and Hunter she waited for them to pose their own questions.
Hunter had no questions to ask since it seemed like the knight had no answers he was willing to give.
Sir Zane looks at you when Alexis and Tarmen leave the room, as if appraising you. "I heard some good things about you." He tells you honestly. "You are obviously more skilled than you let on. But it seems you also like to run your mouth." He chuckled. "The type of life you lead in this settlement is up to you. We can use skilled men. Scouts and hunters that think they know best not so much. Use this next mission to decide who you want to be. I don't want to hear anything again about you undermining someone in charge." He tells you frontally and with no malice.
Hunter simply nodded at Sir Zane with his calm demeanor, "Understood". Then he left to pack for his mission. From what he understood either the scholar, young noble, knife thrower, guards or the holy woman talked about his questionable aid with the holy woman and the Grey Mouth tribe. However it seems the holy woman withheld the information from their private conversation. Had Sir Zane knew of his real skill set his mission would most likely be very different. In order to not stick out any further he needed to keep a low profile and stick to his job, even if it meant watching the others fail and creating a FUBAR storm that he would have to clean up.
After thinking about the past mission it was clear he struggled working with others, especially when they lacked skills. He had been doing solo work his whole life so this was a big change for him. As he recalled his conversation with the holy woman, he was lacking in humanity unlike the others since it was deemed a weakness by his masters. Sir Zane didn't upset him but he did make him think about what future he wanted to have. This thought now bothered him as he made his way to the barracks.