Fool‘s errand

Alexis frowned. What was with the sniffing? Did they have a supernatural sense of smell or something?
You know what? Sure, why the ifrinn not. This was a city full of magik users, and even if it wasn’t, that wouldn’t be the freakiest thing she had come across in Arcadia.

In any case, she was clearly overstaying her welcome and should retreat.
And then give some thought to what the fuck she was even going to do, because she most certainly didn’t have a clue right now.

Aside from this being the hideout of assassins of all things, with the corresponding challenge of getting in there skyhigh even without them being human hounds, she didn’t even know what to look for. Heck, she didn’t even know if they still kept track of the shaft or had nearly forgotten all about this detail in their colorful history, thousands of years later. The Ozainae as a whole seemed to have, judging by Agizul’s response. And if they actually did still know where it was, wether they would keep record of it in an hideout that they might not even frequently use, desert bound as they seemed to be.

Not to forget she didn’t properly speak their language, let alone read.
So all in all from all the completely outlandish tasks she had to get past up until now, this had to be the worst. So far.

Anyways. Time to make herself scarce for now. Maybe pick up the observation later again with the direction of the wind in mind.
That was after she would find herself a nice secluded spot to find out how much of a hunting dog this one was and if he enjoyed tracking suspicious scents.
With her blade at the ready.

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