

If the Great Oasis outside its ancient walls was its pumping heart, the Temple of The Wandering was the seat of its soul. Gra'akast woke to another day under the glaring heat of the desert sun, that pounded the land below and its hardy people

It was a city of wide avenues and small places to sit and eat, to relax as folk went about their day. For many this will be the only place they will ever know. Men, women and children, play out their lives in the shadow of history. They will be born here, live and love their days, walking the stones paved roads, steeped in tradition and will die here. One day their bones will be burned to ash and join the desert winds of their homeland. But some become the shapers of the world, and of what is to come.

Voah and Gonyaul - Malacost, known to the two as Alcuin, returns at the end of the day as agreed. He brings food with him, skewers of roasted meat and vegetables which he shares with you. The three sit to decide what the best course of action is, deferring to Voah to take the lead. Malacost explains that he has tried infiltrating the Temple with very little success. Voah shares what she knows about the Black Robes, their location, and the item she took from their lair. You decide to find out if the Black Robed men are associated with the witch. Malacost points out that the man from last night and the witch know what the two of you look like and surely will be expecting you. He has seen a larger presence of city guards on the streets today, stopping and searching people. Voah and Malacost turn to look at Gonyaul…

Alexis - After leaving Agizul you search for the place where he told you the Brotherhood of the Ebony Hand is camping. It takes you a while to find it, but when you do, you witness many of the dark robed figures leaving and flooding the city streets, in groups of three. The building they are using is unimpressive, run down and clearly like many others in this part of the city has seen better days, however your warrior eye quickly realises it would afford them quite a bit of protection if attacked.
Although you keep yourself hidden for the most part observing the comings and goings from the building, as time goes by, a sense that you are being watched grows. At some point a burly man, with sabre and several daggers at his belt comes to stand outside the door. He scans the area around their camp, and you could swear you see him smelling the air before looking in your general direction.

Tarmen - Say whatever you want about this land, that its brutal, relentlessness, eternally baked by the ruthless sun, but do this people know how to have fun. With a purse full of coin, it’s not long you find yourself a place with good food, sweet wine loud music and fine women. Despite some dirty looks from a few patrons, if you spend gold you are afforded tolerance. Plus you have the looks of someone that can handle himself. The atmosphere of the city and this quarter reminds you a lot of some of the larger settlements in Kru'll despite the obvious difference. This people also appear to enjoy living to the fullest in a land that is constantly trying to kill them. You think back on Silina and wonder if you are ever going to see her again and what will become of her. In high spirits and full of liquid courage you hear about an underground fighting pit in the east of the city which you decide to visit.

Islana - Once your account was finished you were dismissed from the Council. Unaware of their traditions, you are not sure, if you if the process was over, simply to continue another day, or if the men and women were going to decide on your fate. You are returned to your quarters where another meagre meal and water awaits you. A large leather-bound book sits in the desk along with a ink well and a feather. You don't know how but you feel this might become your journal in the years to come. And that today marks the first day you will take ink to paper. Or maybe is some form of test. And one that has not been explained to you. You picked the feather and dip it in the ink and feel compelled to write about your experiences with the Twins.

Shalia - Early the next day you take a stroll through the inner gardens where you met Tamazzalt for breakfast that second day in the Holy City. Despite the secrecy surrounding the penitents you have heard rumours among your guards and the servants that three girls emerged from the desert claiming to have come answering The Call.
Despite everything you went through last night, you are stunned to hear whispers that one of the girls has red hair, green eyes and pale skin and that she is a foreigner.
You try to find more from Amastan but she tells you the priests are forbidden to discuss the penitents until the Trial is over. But her smile tells you everything you need to know. The revelation stuns you, surely it cannot be coincidence? Still, your mind and soul keep being pulled back to the Inquisition agents and the offer you received from the Brotherhood.

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