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View character profile for: Voah Sahnsuur

View character profile for: Gonyaul'vaux
I Stay With You
Gonyaul fought the reflexive urge to interrupt her and say, ~But you are NOT his Arbiter. You aren't even an Arbiter anymore according to both the faithful of the inquisition AND the gods to which they have faith for. Why are you so adamant to keep forcing this path?~ But he was conscientious enough to refrain. One it would be rude to interrupt her. Two, it would be like squeezing lemons into a still open wound. In addition, it was a mute point because she followed up that comment with some valid reasoning.
He felt a little more at ease that she said out loud that she would see what she could do, that she hadn't given up on asking questions and finding out the truth. It calmed his worry that she was not choosing to revert back to a unchecked zealous Arbiter that would end up going down a path in life he would not be able to follow. He made a mental note that he was experiencing anxiety that he would lose her and should revisit this feeling at his next meditation.
He was completely unprepared for what was read to him. His expression was one of shock. Not of disbelief though, because he trusted her. Vaux had fought in great battles? The first Inquisitor was a Vaux? Like any Vaux he knew his culture and their story inside and out; on top of the upbringing and training, he had tattoos to prove it. But not once could he recall being taught or shown the things she just said. Why did the Vaux in earlier days fight and align with the Inquisition? Why did the few remaining Vaux in the world stop? Why would the Elders withhold the truth? That was not the Vauxian way. He had so many questions flooding his mind and unfortunately he realized that he may never get all the answers because he couldn't go back and speak with the Vauxian Elders still somewhere in Kru'll.
He was stupefied and took a moment to process what she just said. He looked down, feeling like the fool ... or simpleton ... most people mistook him for. Did he know that ... did he? He did not.
"I ... no know that." He said in humility. Maybe he should talk less, what did he know.
He thought back to a Vauxian saying, ~Do your best, and when you know better, do better.~. He now knew something that was paradigm shifting. What was he going to do with this information indeed? Gonyaul surrendered and placed a hand on Voah's shoulder; the arm without the injury. He then leaned gently forward and rested his forehead to her's with closed eyes.
"I stay with you. Hope I can keep you safe because you are choosing to enter much danger."
He leaned back and opened his pleading eyes, making eye contact. "Please do not get us killed. I want life with you to continue."