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View character profile for: Gonyaul'vaux
Vauxian Weapons
Still meditating, Gonyaul began sharping a variety of weapons and piecing together the protective shields. Foremost he put on humility. It wasn’t what most people confused for meekness, or peacekeeping, but merely an accurate understanding of who he was that would lead him to treat others as he ought to treat them. He would think of himself less and look to the interests of other instead of himself. This would be risky but was crucial for wielding every weapon at his disposal.
Next he surrounded his heart and mind with grace. In few words, it was underserved love. He knew there would be many, maybe even himself at times, that didn’t deserve his love. Yet he would choose to love them anyway, because there was power in loving people. This would enable him to respond kindly and appropriately despite others actions.
One weapon was absolutely necessary to have on his person at all time, forgiveness. Whether it was unilateral or relational, Gonyaul knew that it would be the right tool for many a work in the unforeseen future. He was committing in advance to forgive, setting himself free from the chains of the negativity associated with the transgressions of others and ripping up their debt to repay him for their faults. What this did not mean, was him forgetting, reconciling, or condoning. It meant the his ability to forgive would not be tied to his feelings and would focus more on releasing himself not just another person from the poisonous prison and results of unforgiveness; such as anger and bitterness. He would keep his heart tender and his resolve stronger than iron.