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View character profile for: Gonyaul'vaux
Vauxian Armor
Gonyaul had delved deep into meditation atop the roof, taking advantage of this moment of solitude to be constructive instead of getting drowned by the surmounting problems. He willfully didn’t try and sink beyond conscious thought into the Emuy, instead he kept himself buoyant at a level of lucidity which gave him control over his mindfulness.
A storm of trial and tribulations was building and was flashing lasciviousness like lightning. This meant following behind at some currently unknown interval would come the terrible thunder rolling in increasing malevolence. It would most likely be a storm that, like a hurricane, cover far and wide and be indiscriminate on who and what it ruined.
It was time to armor up and equip himself with weaponry beyond which no weapon of man could master. If a storm was coming, this Vaux would be ready to not only weather it, but show by example that evil does not win when good refuses to quit. With eyes shut and breath rolling in and out like a metronome, Gonyaul begin imagining himself preparing for the battlefield of the mind. It would be a war between two opposing forces of ‘yes’ and ‘no’ fighting over his choices in the obviously tough time to come.
He started by remembering of his inability to love purely and perfectly. That the full scope of love was beyond anyones ability to enact with flawless precision. That at times he fell short, for countless reasons, and was in fact not very lovable due to his actions. This renewed his understanding of what real love is. It would not be a feeling, it would be measured by his actions.
He would recommit to patience and kindness. He would not envy or boast. He would not be rude or insist on his own way. He would not be irritable or resentful. He would bear and endure all things. He would believe and hope all things.
Gonyaul purposed himself to be the initiator of such things even though he knew it would be hard. Should he fail he would pick himself up, learn from it and move forward trying harder. It was going to happen, that he would need to love people that by all account were not deserving of love, yet he would find a way to love still.
This would not be done out of pride or power, but out of grace and humility.For conceptually Gonyaul understood that he wasn’t perfect and neither was anyone else. He couldn’t control others, but he could control himself. Regardless of the events he was the commander of his response.