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View character profile for: Gonyaul'vaux
High Hide
It was a lonely walk back to the vicinity of the harbor. The majority of the city’s population was back towards the temple gathering and anyone who wasn’t had gone to sleep. At least the stars were out to keep him company. Them, as well as his thoughts and feelings. He would have preferred the latter two had gone to bed, for they were pulling him all over the place.
When he reached the periphery of the docks, he was now near where they had setup their relocated camp inside an abandoned room. He decided it best not to be there, but likewise not yet to move it in case Voah returned. Therefore, he collected the valuable items that he would be able to carry and went to look for a better place to hide that would also afford him a view on the campsite location.
He looked to the high ground and found a suitable place to climb up a building facade to reach the roof. It wasn’t a very tall building, only two stories, if even that. The roof was flat with a ledge and a deteriorating opening down into the room below. He smacked himself in the forehead. He should have checked first if he could have just gotten to the roof through the vacant interior instead of performing monkey-like feats to scale the side.
He could see the general area of their campsite down below. He was about 60 yards away, and not only did he have tabs on their camp location but it gave him a reasonable view of two corridor streets to see comings and goings; currently they were empty.
Gonyaul got as comfortable as he could. He would be sleeping under the stars tonight. Come morning, he would go below to the second level room in order to avoid the sun. He hid below the ledge of the flat roof and took the time to meditate.